Strength Side Podcast: Strength | Fitness | Philosophy | Mindset

Strength Side Podcast: Strength | Fitness | Philosophy | Mindset

SSP: 19 All About SQUATS

February 21, 2015

Everyone should squat. Squatting builds the body powerfully and creates great structure. Squats build the hips and torso (abs and spine) which is the basis of creating good posture in everyday life. The squat carries over to athletic performance arguably better than any other movement. Build a strong squat, move better on the field or court.

Most people should squat everyday! Yes everyday. You don't necessarily have to load your squat everyday, just getting into a bodyweight squat position will suffice.

A great progression for learning to squat is to box squat, bodyweight squat, goblet squat, barbell squat.

At the end of the day squatting is squatting. No matter if you're back squatting 400 pounds or goblet squatting with a 25 pound dumbbell, you will be a healthier, stronger, individual with better postural integrity.

So as we dive into this great topic of SQUATS, we cover the What, Why, When, How, and Where's of Squats. No matter if you're a beginner or advanced tune in and join us for some fun conversation.

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