Strength Side Podcast: Strength | Fitness | Philosophy | Mindset

Strength Side Podcast: Strength | Fitness | Philosophy | Mindset

SSP: 17 Training Athletes – Power, Performance, and Sport

February 14, 2015

Training Athletes is sometimes made too complicated. In this episode we discuss how athletes should train for their sport. Training Athletes can be basic, the average athlete needs to increase strength in the main lifts to become more powerful in order to increase performance. The "main movements" should be prioritized before anything else.: Squat, Deadlift, Pressing, and Pulling. This should never change too much. Athletic training should enhance the performance on the field. You get stronger in the gym in order to be more powerful when practicing your sport.

Topics discussed include:

Getting Stronger
Sports Specific Exercises
Olympic Lifts
Expressing Power Vs. Gaining Power
Unilateral Exercises
General Purpose Training

The general public, or the every day man, should really take some training advice from the Athlete. The athlete goes into the gym to get their body stronger, more powerful, and ready to perform better at their sport. Most people fall victim to thinking they need to train specific parts of their body, or in specific ways. There should really be only small differences in the way an athlete and your average 9-5er trains. Don't play a sport? Life is sport! Train your body to perform well in life.

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