Strength Side Podcast: Strength | Fitness | Philosophy | Mindset

Strength Side Podcast: Strength | Fitness | Philosophy | Mindset

SSP: 15 Getting more ACTIVE and MOBILE in 2015

January 31, 2015

Let’s all get more active in this new year. The average person has the potential to be sitting for the MAJORITY of the day! This episode gives tips on how to move more in everyday life! This info can help you lose the weight your striving to get off or simply get your hips more mobile and supple to take on athletic endeavors.

Why not turn your desk into a standing workstation? Stand more while in social situations such as getting coffee and food. After standing more is accomplished, let’s walk more! Adding in short, quick walks into your day will not only get you more active but it will trigger a response in your body that will make you feel better and give you more energy! I suggesting taking a quick 10-15 minute walk first thing in the morning and then ending your work day with a walk. Once these active habits kick in you will make more good, healthy decisions throughout your day.

Last but not least, trade the lounge chair for some light mobility work while watching TV at night. Do some light stretching, hold some good range of motion positions, and breathe deep! This won’t necessarily burn a lot of calories but it will help out your body in tremendous ways and make it easier to be more active during the next day. Grab a coffee or a cool beverage and join me in this short discussion, cheers.

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