Story Donors

Story Donors

Jeff – Chapter 2

March 02, 2015

Listen to Jeff’s Chapter 1 by Clicking Here.
Storytelling always involves conflict, and a climax is only the high point if there are also lows. Sometimes, our lowest stories are the ones we never utter. Stories of vice and addiction are often filled as much with hope as tragedy. In Chapter 2 of Jeff’s story, he shares both the friends and faith that changed his life and the addictions that threatened to wreck it.
Jeff remembers stirring orange juice and vodka with an old screwdriver and learning how to let 10-year-old troubles go. Problems seem to stack high when deals and money and drugs come easy. Meet Mr. Bryan in rehab, and find out who your friends are when the deals and money and drugs dry up. Sometimes the places we swear we’ll never go, the books we swear we’ll never read, the God we swear we’ll never believe in just show up anyway at the lowest point in our stories to make us go, make us read, make us believe that someone loves us anyway.
Don’t tell me some book is going to change my life.
Rock bottom is a real place, and the story of getting there isn’t as easy to tell as the tale of coming back.  What bravery it takes to remember when nostalgia isn’t sweet!