Stories from the Open Gov

Stories from the Open Gov

ep42 - Amanda Renteria: Teaching governments new ways to govern.

September 29, 2020

Amanda Renteria is the former Chief of Operations at the California Department of Justice, former Chief of Staff in the United States Senate. And a National Political Director for a large U.S. presidential campaign.

And, back in May of 2020, she became the new Chief Executive Officer at Code for America, which is a network of people making government work for the people, by the people, in the digital age.

But, her roots are as a teacher in her small hometown.

And today she will tell us about how we can teach governments new ways on how to govern.

Time stamps:
1:34 – Characterizing the relationship between members of the bureaucracy and elected officials.

5:12 – Talking about closing the feedback loops in government

7:35 – Amanda tells us the most important government processes that need to change.

10:50 – Amanda’s thoughts on how to rebuild trust between the government and public.

11:53 – Hackathons: Overused gimmicks or valuable exercises?

16:53 – How can we make Civic Tech projects sustainable?

18:58 – How can we bring more eyeballs to the Open Gov, Open Data, and Civic Tech movements?

25:20 – Teaching the media’s and public’s that government needs to experiment.

28:08 – Code For America’s involvement in the Pandemic recovery phase.

32:26 – If Code For America was granted 3 wishes, what would it wish for?

38:51 – Amanda’s thoughts on social injustice.

Amanda Renteria Twitter account

Code for America

Richard Pietro Twitter account

Re: Open Gov Twitter account

Stories from the Open Gov is a podcast published by and is dedicated to telling the stories about what Open Government & Open Data look like.

Your host is Richard Pietro, an Open Government & Open Data practitioner for the past 10 years. Listen and learn how Open Government & Open Data are becoming a reality!

MUSIC ATTRIBUTION - Introduction & conclusion
Singing Sadie - I Can't Dance…3_I_Cant_Dance

Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United States (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 US)