Stolendroids Podcast

Stolendroids Podcast

My Best Front Pocket

May 07, 2020

Sidekicks are an important part of storytelling. Captain America has Bucky. Frodo has Samwise. Batman has Robin. Stolendroids has Collin...Sidekicks often get a bad rap. We can probably blame the 1950's and 60's for this. (Thanks 1966 Robin.) Characters that were once simply comic relief have morphed into something more. A good sidekick will help make the protagonist a better character. They will help improve the story. And they will point out "holy rusted metal." (Thanks Robin from Batman Forever.)In this episode of the Stolendroids Podcast, Collin, Marlee, Jake, and Zach discuss some of their favorite front pockets, better known as sidekicks! What makes a good sidekick? Are sidekicks more than just lovable, but incapable dorks? Who are some of the best sidekicks out there? Let us know who we missed in our discussion in the comments below! See for privacy and opt-out information.