Stolendroids Podcast

Stolendroids Podcast

Villainy Intensifies

April 28, 2020

Everybody loves a good bad guy. From Darth Vader to Hannibal Lecter to the Joker, some of the most iconic characters in books, film, and television are villains. Why is that? What is it that draws us to them? Is it because we secretly want to be the villain, or is it something more?In this episode of Stolendroids Podcast, we ask what is it that makes a good villain. Is it their charm? Or maybe it's their rugged good looks? Maybe it's something else, something that can't be described other than as an "it" factor?Listen as we analyze what it is that all of the best villains share, and what makes them the characters that we love, or that we love to hate. And if there are any qualities that we left out, please be sure to let us know. See for privacy and opt-out information.