Stolendroids Podcast

Stolendroids Podcast

Into Sony's Spider-Verse

January 28, 2020

The first trailer for Morbius is here and it brings with it some questions. Namely, what exactly is Sony doing with their Spider-Man properties? Are they trying to build a mini MCU separate from the actual MCU? Are they trying to build something that complements the MCU but is still entirely in Sony's bubble of control? Or maybe they're trying to springboard off of the success of Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse and create their own multiverse full of Spider-Man properties that should tie into one another but will ultimately be nothing but a confusing, steaming pile that resembles something to come from DC. At this point, who really knows? But because speculation is fun, our panel tackles these tough questions and more in this week's episode.But what do you think that Sony's ultimate gameplan is? And more importantly, what do you think that it should be? Let us know in the comments, hit us up on our social media pages, or email us at with your thoughts.