Stolendroids Podcast

Stolendroids Podcast

The Millennium Tesla

September 17, 2019

Do you remember that feeling you had as a child when you would get a new toy and you couldn't wait to play with it? That pretty much sums up Collin in this episode as he takes every opportunity to test his new mixer. He is like a kid in a candy store. Full of gummy bears. Also, he has gummy bears and a knife. Don't even think about trying to take them.Despite Collin's distractions, we discuss a new conspiracy at Rotten Tomatoes to make Joker a box office failure. We think that there may be something else at play though. And since we're talking about DC movies, in hindsight, Zack Snyder's Big Bang (a.k.a. Justice League) with the DC Universe wasn't the rousing success that everyone had hoped for. Warner Bros. will likely have more success though now that they've signed J.J. Abrams to an exclusive deal. And even though we don't know for sure that he'll be working with their DC properties, it's a safe assumption that he'll at least be involved in some capacity. And if he is, you know it's going to be way more successful than MoviePass, right?HeadlinesGeek News:Is there a Joker conspiracy at Rotten Tomatoes?J.J. Abrams signed an exclusive deal with WarnerMediaNick Fury could have introduced the X-MenMoviePass is deadTech News:Does Microsoft hate its users?Taylor Swift isn't a fan of Microsoft's racist Tay chatbotApple announced the iPhone 11