Stolendroids Podcast

Stolendroids Podcast

Post-Con Quickie

September 10, 2019

Another FanX has come and gone meaning that Collin is in recovery. Nope, he's not dead. Recovery. Take that as you will. Of course, that means that Zohner is flying solo on this week's episode. And since there's no way that he's going to subject you, our loyal listeners, to him talking to himself for an hour, this one's a quickie. Don't worry though because there are still topics of substance in the show. For example, have you been watching The Boys on Amazon Prime? Dang... That's some good viewing right there... Apple is upset with how Google represented the iOS hack we talked about on last week's show. Are they right to be? Let us know. HeadlinesGeek News: The BoysBirds of Prey gets a new trailerTech News:Apple disputes Google’s claim that hackers had their way with iOS devices for two yearsWunderlist founder wants to buy it back from Microsoft