‘Stock Talk

‘Stock Talk

Virtual Presenter, Sarah Beeghley (‘stock Talk #26)

August 20, 2014

Sarah Beeghley:
http://youtu.be/vuKIkQ_uPaY (http://youtu.be/vuKIkQ_uPaY)
Ginger and Andrea are joined by 16 year old Sarah Beeghley, former Podstock presenter. Sarah talks about her experiences as a virtual presenter, as well as some of her past projects, such as Civil War Sallie http://civilwarsallie.blogspot.com/ (http://civilwarsallie.blogspot.com/). However, the most powerful part of the conversation is when she talks about her new project, The Geeky Girl: http://thegeekygirl.net/ (http://thegeekygirl.net/)
Sarah is a 16 year old student with a passion for helping teachers use 21st century learning in their classrooms. Also she wants to make students, teachers, and parents aware of the dangers of cyberbullying.(http://remarkablechatter.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/cyberbullying1-300x146.jpg)

You can always connect with Ginger and Andrea too!
Ginger on Twitter: www.twitter.com/gingerlewman
Ginger’s blog: www.gingerlewman.org
Andrea on Twitter: www.twitter.com/akbusybee
Andrea’s blog: http://busybeeideas.blogspot.com/
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