The Business and Marketing Show

The Business and Marketing Show

William Wood Interviews “The Brand Master” RockyVega [podcast]

March 13, 2015
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Tune in to today's podcast as William Wood interviews RockyVega. If you're looking to know all the in's and out's about how to brand your business or even yourself - Now is the time!

Time Stamps For "William Wood Interviews - The Brand Master - RockyVega"


3:12—Goes in-line with effective Branding

6:55—Rocky talks about personal branding

9:21—Will discussing about Consistency

12:18—The Concept of Branding

15:09—Functional Value and Perceived Value

18:25—Proper and Effective Marketing

21:02—The best Heavy Metal band in the world

23:15—Contact Rocky directly

25:50—Is this consistent with who I am?



Personal Branding And Branding Yourself:
An Experience, a Perception that people get with Your Product or Service (PARTIAL TRANSCRIPT…)

If you want to read the whole transcript from today’s podcast (paraphrased for readability), click the button below:



Will:Hey, welcome back to the show guys! William Wood here. I am with my special guest, RockyVega. Rocky is known as the "Brand Master." He’s helped businesses all over, to take their branding to the next level. Just recently, I hired Rocky to brand one of my personal websites and Rocky absolutely nailed the branding. It was the best result that I’ve gotten from a graphic designer. This man knows his stuff and I brought him on the show because I want him to share his knowledge and his expertise[…]


What is Branding?


Will:Rocky, you’re known as the brand master. A lot of people who are listening to the podcast are newer to the business or their newer to marketing. They may have heard the word branding but may not know exactly what it is. Why don’t you give us your definition of branding?


Rocky:There’s two ways really to look at when you talk about branding. Most people just kind of have the impression that branding is just the way that something looks or maybe like a company or personal logo and to that nature but a brand is more about an experience and a perception that people get when they see a product or when they experience, when they use a service or when they come in to maybe an establishment per se’.


Will:Yesterday, I was doing a consultation with a gentleman that is looking at starting up a weight loss business down in Las Vegas. And one of the things he asked about is “Hey, there’s a lot of people out there doing weight loss, how am I going to stand out?†If you were to give him some advice, what would you tell him?


Rocky:I will ask him what makes him so much different and so much better than his competition?[…]so for one you have to learn how to get yourself out there more effectively. Two, when you're out there when people are exposed to you or to your offer[…]


Rocky:[…]like online marketing for example, most of us are taught to have a specific target audience in mind but what most people don’t understand is that actually goes right in line with effective branding because you need to make sure that your message is basically in line to the people that you are speaking to.[…]


Rocky:For him,[…]I will say he needs to be there, sit down and brainstorm or at least get somebody who is well-versed in that category and get ideas together that basically show his target market, what they need to see if - he said he’s a personal trainer, correct?


Will:He’s a personal trainer and a life coach. His goal is really to set-up a seminar business that teaches people how to lose weight combining like mind-based technologies along with practical exercise technologies. He’s a guy with a really powerful story. He’s lost more than 200 pounds himself and kept it off over four or five years. I forgot exactly how long. And so he’s looking to teach people how to do what he’s done.


Main Focus


Will:[…]weight loss is the main goal.[…]in terms of researching his customer I showed him what he needed to do and how to do the background information. For example, going out, he has customers right now that he has already helped, interviewing the customers, finding out what are some of the key experiences that they’ve had, what are they considered to be the strongest offering that he has then going in and looking in online forums, what are people talking about in weight loss forums, looking at his competitors; what are those competitors offering and then deciding what’s unique about him. What else would you tell him?[…]


Rocky:[…]if weight loss is what he’s trying to push first and foremost then I would say that should be his main “FOCUS†and then as he’s presenting his materials to people as they’re getting exposed to his offer then that’s when he needs to come in with the additional features about what he wants to get to - out to the world. Something like weight loss and empowerment.


Will:Tell me, what’s the difference between effective branding and ineffective branding?


Rocky:[…]to speak about it generally; effective branding is basically when you have true clarity on who your audience is and knowing what they need, so you have understanding of your audience’s problem and you have a solution for it. You have an effective solution that they can easily access through you and the opposite of that would be something like, not having a very defined audience whereas you’re marketing to everybody and your message does not match with your masses basically. The image that you’re putting out there does not match with the audience that you’re targeting.[…]


Rocky:[…]for example, one industry that I’m actually very very interested in is the Gaming Industry. So, if I were to be marketing to gamers out there, people who are interested in playing video games[…]trying to market something that is either does not related to game that doesn’t even look like it[…]it’s going to confuse them[…]if they see something that does not immediately correlate with those things, they’re not even going to pay attention to it.[…]


Personal Branding


Rocky:[…]If you talk about personal branding[…]an area I really focus on[…]I like to work with individuals because usually companies they’re pretty well established anyway. They have the resources to work with like maybe larger branding firms but when you talk about individual people then a lot of it has to do just with how you present yourself but not putting enough thought into the overall experience that people get when people put themselves out there.[…]


Rocky:People have actually given me the name,that moniker - The Brand Master[…]a name that was given to me by the people just because of how I’m able to effectively brand myself and helped others do the same.[…]


Rocky:[…]just as an example on social media,[…]like Facebook, that profile picture that you have up, your Facebook banner, your Timeline content – all of these things; those are basics that comes to play when you talk about how you brand yourself.[…]


Rocky:[…]Whatever picture people see in you is should be genuine, it should be strong at least in as far as who you are[…]in terms of content that you put out there, we have a lot of people who they just have the tendency to throw out links as suppose to sharing actual value, and even more so, just sharing who they actually are.[…]


Will:[…]if the message is in-congruent or if the message isn’t sharing the same thing visually or in word as what you want to communicate about yourself, people sense that something’s off and they may not want to do business with you.


Rocky:That is exactly what I’m saying.


Will:When you’re out working with people, you probably walked-in to some total disasters whether it’s on social media or whether it’s on somebody’s blog or maybe even a podcast.[…]What are some of the hugest mistakes that you’ve seen[…]or biggest patterns that you’ve seen where people really just don’t do well?


Consistency is the Key!


Rocky:I would say is inconsistency. There's this one guy for example who I do look up to, because he does well.[…]He is a multiple 6 figure earner[…]but he does not have that consistency in terms of the image that would support his success.[…]


Will:If you didn’t know him, your first impression would be “This guy is working out on a basement and doesn’t know what he’s doing.â€


Rocky:Right. I might be a little weary like if he's actually telling me truth, there’s still just a little details that just don’t flow with the level that he’s actually attained and I see this in a lot of other marketers who have done really well for themselves.[…]what they don't understand is that they’re indirectly branding themselves anyway.


Will:If you look at branding as a larger concept as just being consistent with who you are, being authentic and making sure that visually, making sure that any kind audio you put out, any kind of video you put out is consistent with who you are and what you are representing. And this is something that we were talking about offline.


Branding is being Consistent


Will:[…]branding is being consistent and showing up in a consistent way no matter where you are delivering the same kind of message.with the way you dress, with the way you speak and you’re doing it whether you know you’re doing it or not.[…]And I think that’s one of the most powerful things that I’ve picked up from you is that you can't NOT brand. 


Toyota Vs Lexus


Will:If you look at the difference between a Toyota and a Lexus, both are cars, both are owned by the same company, both would get you from point A to point B, the chassis that a Camry is built on for example and one of the like the Avalon I think it is. I’m not a huge car guy but I think the Avalon and the Camry are built on the same chassis. So we would say a large portion of the materials are the same and yet the difference in price between a Camry and an Avalon might be $10,000 or $20,000.


Will:And largely, it seems to me that the difference in perceived value comes down to how you position yourself, how you brand yourself and with how consistent that branding is kept.


Rocky:Exactly in line with what I’m talking about. Even though, like you said, that they are both under the same umbrella that falls under the same company name,[…]they obviously understand that they have those two different brands for a reason.[…]But again, it comes down to proper and effective marketing.


Will:And being totally consistent in the way that you present that.


Will:What kind of advice would you give somebody maybe two or three really practical tips about what they can do to improve their personal branding?


Rocky:Well, these are usually the question I asked when people come to me just for basic services. Usually, when they come to me for basic services it’s something like graphic design specially for a blog and specially if maybe they have a blog that has kind of like a default look to it but it's just free to customize however you like. So, I ask them things like what kind of colors do you want? Because the colors that you choose they say things about your personality.


Rocky:I ask is what kind of images do you want me to include in this? So, maybe you’re a music artist and your genre is heavy metal then obviously there’s kind of image that most heavy metal musicians have, you’re kind off based from that and you’re going to confuse your fans and they’re not going to take you seriously. You could be the best heavy metal band in the world but you’re going to get people a lot less likely even listen to you if they’re seeing something that totally contradicts the imagery.


Rocky:The last thing which actually goes right in line with what I just said is what kind of impression do you want to make? What kind of impression do you want people to get when they actually see you, when they visit your blog and they see the images I’m going to make for you? People keep thing like that in mind.


Rocky:[…]those are the key things that I think are very important.


Will:Those are excellent tips.


Will:The main thing that I’m hearing from Rocky is to be consistent, to be authentic and to be consistent with who you are. So, my challenge for you at the end of today’s show is this: Ask yourself, who am I selling my products or services to? What do they want? And how can I create an image that supports the experience that they want?


And if you take those questions away along with some of the ninja tips that Rocky gave us today, I think you’re going to be well on your way to improving your branding.

To get a hold of Rocky Vega directly, you can visit his Facebook:

Personal Facebook Page: IamRockyVega (

Facebook Fan Page: RockyVegaBM (


Do you want to download the entire transcript?  Click the red button below:


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William Wood and Amir Mahmoud have helped thousands of people achieve massive breakthroughs in their lives. Both share the same mission and a similar vision, wisdom and expertise. You can connect with Will & Amir directly through their Facebook Fan Page.


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Leave a comment: By listening to today's podcast, what areas about your business or your personal branding that you really want to work on with and why?

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