The Business and Marketing Show

The Business and Marketing Show

Bow Tie Marketing

March 11, 2015

The Marketing Bow Tie. Learn more about leads, converting your first sale and generating better traffic.
Time Stamps For "Bow Tie Marketing"
1:16—They might be stopping in
3:24—Relevancy Matters
5:04—They might change their mind
8:06—Will & Amir were making a big transition
10:12—The nice thing about Solutions
11:34—Create a List and Offer a Solution
Providing Targeted Solutions And Creating Irresistible Offers:
An in-depth discussion about the concept of Bow Tie Marketing, understanding what a Targeted Solution is and packaging an Offer.
If you want to get a copy of the whole transcript from today’s podcast, click the button below:
Will: So we’re going to go big picture and then we’re going to chunk this down into everything that you need basically to your business off the ground and through the phases and the methodology that you implement to be able to – and basically to go through a feedback loop, listen to your market and then re-implement grow and scale.
Marketing Bow Tie
Will: The first thing that we’re going to show you is the Marketing Bowtie. Over here, what we have is we have the world or some people might say we have traffic, targeted on targeted whatever. You got all this people out there in the world and you’re going to have some people that decide to show up and visit your business.
Now, when they visit your business, I mean if you have a physical location they might be stopping in, they may be pulling over the parking lot. If you have an online business they might be clicking on your webpage. How long does the average person get a webpage before they decide to navigate away or take a deeper dive?
Client: 30 seconds?
Will: Under 15 seconds on average. It’s fast. People go on, they’re going to make a snap judgment basically they’re taking a snapshot on what’s on the page and then they’re asking themselves “Is this relevant to my situation?” and if the answer is no, they’re gone. Some people might take 30 seconds but most people are going to look at it and click around. I’ve taken this little – how many of you bounced off of the website in less than 5 seconds?
Client: Especially if it’s not marketed or it’s not showing to be accurate on google it’s like “That was not the one that I’m looking for.”
Will: Or if it’s just loading… loading… and you can have a great website but it might just be like not what you’re looking for and then you’re out of there. So, you’ve got visitors. You’ve got these visitors that come in to the business and they’re going to make a snap judgment as to whether or not you have the value that’s going to help them or the solutions that are going to help them solve the problem. They may not know if whether or not they’re going to do a business with you but they’re going to make a snap decision as to whether or not you’re the right guy or gal pretty quick.
Google’s purpose
Amir: And most of you, if I can just add in here like some of the things you just said like loading speed and just in terms of this is irrelevant to what I was looking for, Google’s purpose is just to be able to synch and match your website what you do with people who are looking, who are actively searching for that information. So, if you got pluses and bonuses, if obviously what page loads fast and what page are really bounces, if people are searching for and they get the result they’re looking for and Google would push you down, the search engine if it’s not relative to – relevant to what this is; in other words, if you have a high bounce rate then Google is not going to serve you as much because of course p