Xue Mei Rhodin Podcast

Xue Mei Rhodin Podcast

Billionaire Habits of Warren Buffet and others

March 21, 2016

Billionaire Habits of people like Warren Buffet, and how they contrast to habits of poor people. Constant learning is key! Reading, listening to audio books, avoiding TV are all part of making yourself prone to success. The numbers don't lie. Let us know if you decide to take action and adopt billionaire habits. What habits do you have already that have improved your life? Tell us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/startupcabin http://twitter.com/xuemeirhodin nstagram: https://www.instagram.com/startupcabin http.//instagram.com/heyxuemei Facebook https://www.facebook.com/startupcabin   Check out the Startup Cabin Tribes program, for entrepreneurs and startups who want to grow their business: http://www.startupcabin.com