Starting An Online Business | Explore and understand the world of doing business on the internet

Starting An Online Business | Explore and understand the world of doing business on the internet

SAOB 003 > What Should My Online Business Be?

February 10, 2014


Find out what your options are and discover the five best online business categories when jumping in from ground zero. Best of all we go over the keys to success for each category, so you know exactly what to do! Case studies are included for example purposes, and for your convenience have I included a quick wrap-up summary at the end. +_+



In This Episode


>>> The 5 primary categories of online business types.

What your online business could/should be, broken down into bite sized categories!


>>> You are already the expert you need to be.

Understand the hierarchy of knowledge worldwide, and how you already know what you need to know to provide your product or service.


>>> Examples of how to pair products with niche-ingenuity to create your own brand new market.



Resources Mentioned in the Show


>>>  ***NOTE! I totally botched this link recommend on the show! +_+  I had said “”

The original website I intended to send you too was “”,, they changed URL’s to

On the show I say “meet me . com” instead of the So I will list the really mc’real tool next! +_+


>>> – Client and appointment scheduler

Scheduling software that lets people book themselves with you based on your available times, and you don’t even have to DO anything. You can try it for free, and keep trying it for free as the basic features are $0. This is a super handy piece of software if you will have a lot of inbound appointments. The very 80/20 way to use this is to block off a few hours a day where you will do non-time-sensitive-work that you can pause in the middle of if inbound business happens to have scheduled itself for that day. This gets really productive!

>>> This pshow comes equipped with a handy summary! Woo hoo! *See below.



I thought I would post a brief summary of this episode since there was a lot of “what it is” “what to do” and “how to think about it”. Here it all is in a compressed nutshell. *There will still be a transcription if you are into that, so breath easy! +_+



Provide Professional Services



A great option for either full time or in the hours after a regular job.

Key element:

Integrate online productivity software to stay 80/20 with your workflow.

Example: Use to skip needing a secretary, or having to pause working just to book a time with an inbound prospect. Let them book themselves. You can set the software to only list availability for whatever times you want, so it does not interfere with your life or work day.




Run an How To website



Everything that you need for this type of ‘product’ is available to be found on the web (or is very likely already in your own head, you hobbyist you!) Just dig up the information and put it together in a unique way. Seem to simple? If so, good. It will be a cake walk.

Critical element in this category:

The question to ask yourself here is not, “what are my hobbies / interestsâ€. Instead ask, “of my favorite hobbies / interests, what did I REALLY need to know when I was starting out that I got stuck on?†That topic alone can and has made people very wealthy.



Professional products in your field



All of the heavy lifting is done by the following key element.

Critical element in this category:

Pair your professional product with an outside the box idea. This can be gimmicky (people really do like that) or just simple, functional awesomeness.

The example that is given is a family portrait artist that “paints family portraiture + Jesus stand with you” in the lineup. I am not sure if this counts as gimmicky or not,, but everyone who sees it goes nuts over it.



Sell other peoples stuff.


Benefit: The product is already provided.

With the product already taken care of, all you do is get it in front of the people who wan tot buy it.

Critical element in this category:

Your unique knowledge of and eye for finding groups that need the product in question.

The example given here is a luxury doors website where individual sales can mean $5K to over $100K.




Out of your house products


Benefit: Almost zero set up time or dollar investment is needed.

Sell things you can make, or own already on your website or a community site.




Critical element in this category:



Take. Awesome. Photographs. – Not kidding. Simple as it sounds, this is the make or break element.



Blogging or Information marketing



Much like running a How To website, this can either be a knowledge based business, or a copy / paste business.

Critical element to this category:

You need to be able to present the information in a way that ‘has its own spin’.

Recommendation: This is a great niche to use your personality very heavily, as that can be the unique spin all by itself.



Click here for the TRANSCRIPT