Christian Business Camp- With Avery Forrest, a business podcast for the christian female entrepreneu

Christian Business Camp- With Avery Forrest, a business podcast for the christian female entrepreneu

Episode 52 | Hope is not a strategy for your relationship with God.

January 18, 2022

When God is first business is best?? What does that really mean? How does that really play out in this life? Can we really put strategy to our relationship with God?

I answer these questions today on this episode of CBC podcast. Over the next few weeks every Tuesday I will talk about what it looks like for God to be priority #1 relationship in your life. How does that practically relate to every day life and what it really looks like.

For today you need to answer the question

"What will get less of me so I can dedicate intentional time with God?"

Episode I mention in the podcast about transactional relationship and transformational relationship

Passage Job 23:8-11

Retreat options for This Spring. If you need incredible community then join in on one of these retreats.

Dream retreat

Rest retreat

If you want to join our online community FB group click here

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