Atenea Americana - by Stanford Hispanic Broadcasting

Atenea Americana - by Stanford Hispanic Broadcasting

Mental Health During a Global Health Crisis

July 16, 2020

Today, we are sharing a conversation with Dr. Angelica Perez-Litwin.  She is a a licensed Clinical Psychologist with over 20 years of experience in private practice and research work. She has a B.S. in Psychology, from Columbia University, a M.A. and Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from Fordham University, a M.B.A., Entrepreneurship and Innovation from Clemson University,  and is an Alumna from Harvard Kennedy School Executive Education Program.
Dr, Perez-Litwin had been before in our show, as the founder of “Latinas Think Big,” a global community designed to help and support careers and venture projects of this community. It is a big group of talented women who meet for events, network throughout a social network and online platforms. She has been feature in magazines before as one of the most influential latinas, and has been instrumental the future of many latin women around the world with her network.
Dr. Perez-Litwin is currently staring a new style of mental health platform, with clinical practitioners and specialist in mental health to help the well being of a bigger audience online and in person. This modern therapy practice can reach many online, with its site
Today we are talking about mental health during pandemic, the challenges the population is facing, and ways to overcome them. Listen to our show to learn more about their plans, their programs, their achievements, and their history. Remember to leave a comment and to follow us on social media.

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