STANDOUT with Cheryl Tan

STANDOUT with Cheryl Tan

64: The #1 Reason You Need To Put Yourself Out There

July 15, 2018

On a scale of 1 to 10, how effectively would you say you market yourself? How well do people know what you do and how they can work with you?

If the answer is anything below a 10, this episode is for you.

This is for those who are not only trying to figure out how to get started using video for their business, but for those who are trying to see why it even matters.

What you'll learn in this episode:

*The mindset that keeps so many people from starting to use videos

*How videos can turn your marketing around

*3 types of videos you can create right now to highlight your business

*Sign up for the free online training, "3 Steps to Look and Sound Great On Video" here.

Links mentioned in this episode:


*Free Online Training With WeVideo

*WeVideo Homepage

*Join the STANDOUT 5-day Video Challenge

*Click to join the STANDOUT with Cheryl Tan community

*My Video Resources page

*Sign up for my newsletter and get access to the STANDOUT Facebook community here (and get the 5-Day Media Magnet Challenge)

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