Stalking The Retro

Stalking The Retro

STR 65: CGE 2K14/HSW Atari Game Over Panel

October 06, 2014

STR 65: CGE 2K14/HSW Atari Game Over Panel

Special thanks to Willie for letting us include the audio from the awesome Howard Scott Warshaw Atari Game Over Panel. 
Willie starts out the episode describing what it was like running the console area at the convention. He describes his pickups, things he saw, and the awesome panels that he went to. Then we get to hear the awesome Howard Scott Warshaw talking about the Atari Game Over film that was screened at CGE. He also talks about his experiences at Atari, game development, and much much more. To finish things off CGE related Kynrek aka Joshua from the Turtle Flakes podcast joins me and talks about his time at CGE. He rounds up what games he got at the convention and the awesome people he met.

Thanks again to Joshua and Willie for joining me on another exciting episode of Stalking The Retro!