St. Michael's Church, Charleston, SC

St. Michael's Church, Charleston, SC

07-26-15 “Sliding on the Slippery Slope” The Rev. Mark Avera

August 10, 2015

Many a man has been shipwrecked by a woman’s beauty.  Many a woman has fallen to a man’s power, influence and wealth.  The story of David and Bathsheba is familiar enough, and practically synonymous with adultery.  But the story is a huge lesson on the subtle yet powerfully destructive nature of sin when it is given free rein.  The fact that it is one of the heroes of the Bible that is the subject of this object lesson, and given the rest of the story that follows in the aftermath of David’s affair, should serve as both fair warning and encouragement to all of us.  Most of us are careful with our footing on slippery ground.  Our reading today informs us that the same discretion is needed as we walk spiritually.  Come Holy Spirit and make the way before us sure, straight and clear.