St. Michael's Church, Charleston, SC

St. Michael's Church, Charleston, SC

06-07-15 “Cleaning House” The Rev. Mark Avera

June 12, 2015

It might have seemed like the circus had moved into the neighborhood.  Crowds of people, lots of oooohs and ahhhs - an exciting show almost daily.  But Jesus had his detractors too.  He was quite the watershed personality, diving public opinion at just about every turn.  It was worth noting who said what about Him.  His family said that he was out of his mind.  The religious leaders thought that he was demon-possessed and in league with the devil.  But the demons themselves bowed down before Him and declared, “You are the Son of God!”  Jesus was bringing the power and authority of a different Kingdom, and He was cleaning out the enemy camp - and He is still doing the same today.
Whose side are you on?  What do you say about this man?

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06-31-15 6pm Pentecost 2

05-31-15 1030am Pentecost 1

05-31-15 930am Chapel Service Handout

05-31-15 8am Pentecost 1