St. Michael's Church, Charleston, SC

St. Michael's Church, Charleston, SC

04-05-15 “Today: Do you Need a Second Chance?” The Rev. Alfred T. K. Zadig, Jr.

April 13, 2015

I will never forget it as long as I live.  I had spilled blue model airplane paint all over our wooden kitchen cabinetry.  I was alone in the house and knew my mother would be coming home soon.  I went upstairs and literally hid in a closet.  I then heard my mother drive up, get out of the car, into the house and then came the scream!  She was so mad!  I walked downstairs and took the verbal lashings, but then came the forgiveness.  The beauty of those words, “Al, it’s time for a second chance.† Those words brought such comfort to me as an 8 year old.  They still do.  Today is the eternal and forever day of the 2nd chance.  No matter who you are, what you’ve done, or where you’ve been, today is your day to experience the power of the 2nd chance.  We call it the Resurrection of Jesus.  Where Jesus dies after hours of torture on the cross, but then supernaturally comes back to life and in doing so, redeems our sin and gives us all a new beginning!  So, do you need a second chance?  Have mistakes been made that have hurt your soul?  Come to the fountain and drink in the waters of new beginnings.

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Easter Sunrise Service 2015

Easter 2015 Final

Easter 2015 6pm