St. Michael's Church, Charleston, SC

St. Michael's Church, Charleston, SC

03-29-15 “Repentance from Indifference” The Rev. Alfred T. K. Zadig, Jr.

April 13, 2015

It is the most chaotic worship service of the church year, because that’s how the first Palm Sunday was!  Can you imagine Jesus riding into Jerusalem with donkey’s surrounded by palm waving “Hosanna†yelling children and adults?  It was a mad house then and now!  We will re-enact that journey complete with a live donkey at the 9:30 and 10:30am services.  Today is also the day we end our Lenten preaching series on Repentance, specifically through the sin of indifference.  It was impossible to be indifferent on that first Palm Sunday, in fact most people that day began passionately for Jesus but by the end of the week, these same people grew passionately against Him (you will hear both voices loudly and clearly today).

We will begin with the voices FOR Jesus during the Palm Procession.  But through this worship service, and after the Eucharist, we will read the crucifixion story of  Jesus and how those same voices that praised Jesus now call for His death.   This dramatic reading then sets our faces to Holy Week, where we journey with Jesus to the Cross and the miracle of the Resurrection!  So, today, pray our Lord removes our own indifference and gives us a continued passion for the greatest rescue mission ever known.

Printable Version

03-29-15 8am Palm Sunday Bulletin

03-29-15 930am Chapel Service Handout

03-29-15 1030 am Palm Sunday Bulletin

03-29-15 6pm Palm Sunday Bulletin