St. Michael's Church, Charleston, SC

St. Michael's Church, Charleston, SC

02-01-15 “The Prophet and the Word of God” The Rev. Mark Avera

February 16, 2015

Today we are bombarded with messages and voices demanding our attention.  Most are clever enough, and it is difficult to know which voices to trust with our ears.  Some flatter us; others make bold promises; still others threaten or berate.  The Old Testament leader of Israel named Moses – the sea-splitting, plague-summoning, law-giving man of God – was the most famous prophet or mouthpiece of God known to the Jews.  But then came Jesus.  The crowds wondered if He could be the promised prophet who would be like Moses.  Centuries after Jesus was crucified, even the leaders of Islam declared that He was a great prophet.  What does it mean to say that Jesus is a prophet?  According to the God who spoke to and through Moses, a true prophet would be known by his words.  And a true prophet should be listened to and heeded.

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02-01-15 8am Epiphany 4 Bulletin

02-01-15 1030am Epiphany 4 Bulletin