Springer Publishing Company

Springer Publishing Company

Latest Episodes

Author Podcast: Handbook of the Psychology of Science
March 04, 2013

The recently published Handbook of the Psychology of Science is the definitive resource on the psychology of scientific thought and behavior. It is edited by two pioneers in the psychology of science discipline, Dr. Gregory Feist and Dr. Michael Gorman. T

Author Podcast: Fast Facts for the Student Nurse
March 02, 2013

Written with candor and good humor, Fast Facts for the Student Nurse: Nursing Student Success in a Nutshell offers the information nursing students need to know to achieve excellence up to and beyond the NCLEX. We recently spoke with the guide’s author,

Social Media and Nursing: New Book Marks Changing Health Care Landscape
January 18, 2013

A sign of the changing health care landscape, a new book on social media and nursing is the first to offer a comprehensive guide on the subject. Social Media for Nurses: Educating Practitioners and Patients in a Networked World; by Ramona Nelson, Irene Jo

Author Podcast: Social Media for Nurses
December 28, 2012

What cautions should nurses using social media consider? How can a nurse begin to incorporate social media into her work? How should you advise patients on identifying credible health care information online? We recently talked with the authors of Social
