Sportsnaut Unfiltered with TC

Sportsnaut Unfiltered with TC

Best Batting Stances of All Time with Gar Ryness

April 09, 2014

When TC and Gar sat down last week the guys were talking about learning how to perfect a stance. Some of the hardest ones to learn are the players out there that are too smooth. There is no doubt about it that there are a few big name players out there who have very distinctive batting stances. These should be unmistakable! Gar counts these down for us from 50 to one. Does anyone come to mind for you right away? We were excited to see if some of our picks made the list and where they fell. There are some big names on the list! Does Johnny Damon make the list? How about the man with the biggest bat in baseball, Alfonso Soriano? Which of Cal Ripkin Jr's 645 different stances makes the list? Can you identify the player if we give you a description of his stance? This guy looks like his chin is making out with his shoulder... you'll have to listen to TC and Gar for these answers and more!