Splash Page! – All-Comic.com

Splash Page! – All-Comic.com

Splash Page Comicast #19: Guardians of the “Fantastic” Four

February 25, 2014

Welcome back everyone to the Splash Page Comicast! This week the Splash Page team breaks down the May solicits and talks about what they are most looking forward to as well as what they will pass on.  Also, each discuss their thoughts on the Fantastic Four casting and the internet’s reaction.  Let’s just say things get personal!

Check out how the team feels about the news of the week as well as their reviews on Justice League #28, Harley Quinn #3, Nova #13, New Warriors #1, and the epic conclusion to Daredevil with issue #36.  Lunar Hombre continues to pop up and whips out his banana peels!  Beware Dan Slott!

Forget the Olympics, its time for Splash Page!

See you all back next week with our blockbuster 20th Chapter!

If you want more Splash Page, check us out at www.facebook.com/splashpagecomicast for Splash Page updates as well as on twitter: @SplashPageComic. Don’t forget to check out other great podcasts like The Comic Shoot and Didn’t Read It from the All-Comic Podcast Network only found on all-comic.com!

Finally, we want to hear from you! If you have any comments, feedback, or questions for us please send them to splashpagecomicast@gmail.com. Questions will be answered on the air as time permits.

Thank you for listening!