The SpeakLifeToday Podcast

The SpeakLifeToday Podcast

The Prayer of Restoration and Renewal-SLT Podcast Episode 014

February 25, 2017

The Prayer of Restoration and Renewal-SLT Podcast Episode 014
Hello, my brothers and sisters in Christ. Welcome to this episode of the Speak Life Today Podcast. On this episode of The Speak Life Today Podcast. I would like to share with you an outline of a prayer. And I also believe that from this point on if you add this to your prayer life you will begin to see some changes in your life for the better. Now I don’t take credit for the way this prayer has been formulated or structured. But, I do know that God will hear you if you pray it from the heart. So with that being said… Here we go.
Heavenly Father, Right now I thank you, Lord, for loving me and dying on the Cross for me.
 Thank you that my old man has been crucified with Christ and that I am now a new creature in Christ.” By faith, Lord, I choose to believe what you have told me about myself as your child in your Word.”‘ Thank you that I am totally forgiven; thank you that I am accepted in the beloved; thank you that you have called me with a high calling of God in Christ Jesus. I reject all thoughts of hopelessness, fear, worthlessness, or condemnation. I accept only the truth about myself as your child.’
Thank you, Lord Jesus, that you will never leave me, nor forsake me.’ Lord Jesus, I know that you live in me and want to express your life through me. Therefore, right now, I choose to surrender to your Lordship and authority in my life,'”‘ and I present my body to you, as a living sacrifice, which I know is holy and acceptable to you- I command Satan and all of his demons to leave my presence right now in the-the mighty name of Jesus.*
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