Speak Confident English

Speak Confident English

How to Say No in English Politely (Without Feeling Guilty)

June 26, 2019

Welcome to the Speak Confident English Podcast!

Click Here for the Full Lesson!

Use the transcript to follow the lesson and catch anything you might have missed!

Hi it’s Anne Marie with Speak Confident English. As you know, every Wednesday is Confident English Wednesday. It is the day of the week when you can go to Speak Confident English dot com and get my free weekly lessons. Most of the time, I include a video for you with those lessons. This past week, the topic was learning new vocabulary for talking about food and cooking more naturally in English. We used three different stories to do that, so I didn’t include a video. The focus was on reading.
Yesterday I got an email from [Tamila 00:00:41] in Azerbaijan. She asked if I could provide audio or video reading the stories so that you can hear the pronunciation. When you’re learning new vocabulary, not only is it useful to learn the meaning, but of course it’s helpful to know the pronunciation as well. Tamila, thank you for your email. I’m more than happy to do that. In the remainder of this video, I’ll read those three stories. You can read the stories as you listen so that you learn the new vocabulary, you know how to pronounce the words. Then after you watch this video, don’t forget to go to the end of the lessons and practice. This is your opportunity to share your own story and try using some of these new vocabulary words. There are already some fantastic examples there, so be sure to read those. Check them out and then provide your own story.
Let’s get started with story number one, which was about a woman named Joanne who is obsessed with cooking.
In her story, Joanne says: “That’s all I think about. Can someone just start paying me to think about food, look at recipes, and just cook all day so I can quit my job? Okay, I’m joking. I really do love food, cooking is my hobb