Sparking Faith Podcast

Sparking Faith Podcast

Perseverance – Sat – 23-04-22

April 22, 2023

Have you seen the battery commercial with the pink bunny marching about, beating a bass drum? Several of them have appeared over the years. The trademarked tagline for the commercial started as “keeps going” and later morphed into “still going.” In fact, you could use those phrases to describe the mascot, not just the batteries. The bunny has been used in ads for nearly 35 years. The company wants you to associate their batteries with long life. It’s almost like the battery-powered bunny never fails.

The bunny shows us one nuance of the word persevere. Listen to 1 Corinthians 13:8-9, “Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away.”  We could also translate the first phrase of this passage as “Love perseveres.”

We’ve seen this week that the word perseverance has a geographical nuance. It can mean to stand your ground or remain in place. But it also has a temporal meaning. It refers to something that doesn’t stop, that keeps going, that never fails.

This is a character trait that we must develop as we mature in Christ. Our faith in Jesus must never fail. Even in the face of persecution and suffering, we must continue to trust and wait patiently for Jesus’ return. Like that bunny, our faith must just keep going.

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Bumper music “Landing Place” performed by Mark July, used under license from Shutterstock.