Sparking Faith Podcast

Sparking Faith Podcast

Perseverance – Thu – 23-04-20

April 20, 2023

If the government arrived at your house today and confiscated your car, would you be happy? What about your phone? What if they hauled you to court and took your home because you were a Christian? Would you rejoice? Christians in the first century were persecuted by removal of their property.

Listen to Hebrews 10:32-36, “Remember those earlier days after you had received the light, when you stood your ground in a great contest in the face of suffering. Sometimes you were publicly exposed to insult and persecution; at other times you stood side by side with those who were so treated. You sympathized with those in prison and joyfully accepted the confiscation of your property, because you knew that you yourselves had better and lasting possessions. So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised.” (NIV 1984)

We find perseverance in two places within this passage. First, they stood their ground in the face of suffering. Then, at the end, they needed to persevere to receive God’s promise. This is why we need to develop perseverance to add to our faith and self-control. We live in a world that will insult us. Christians face persecution in many forms. We must stand our ground in the face of suffering to receive what God has promised.

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Bumper music “Landing Place” performed by Mark July, used under license from Shutterstock.