SouthGeek News

SouthGeek News

Episode 6: Pwned Brain

June 15, 2020

Oliver brings a sense of the outdoors and nature as he joins the rest of the gang from his backyard.  Topics discussed on the show – Update on Internet Archive’s Temporary National Emergency Library is more temporary than first intended, a help desk system suffers a major breakdown due to a “Have I Been Pwned” breach email, a study shows that programmers use the speech part of their brains while coding, Twitch streamers get take down notices due to copyrighted music in clips, IBM (and others) are no longer offering Facial Recognition technology, Google Meet adds noise-cancelling tech, and a developer’s eye doctor blames VR use for the developer’s eye issues.

Internet Archive’s National Emergency Library to close early amid lawsuit
Have I Been Pwned breach report email pwned entire firm’s helldesk ticket system
Programming ‘language’: Brain scans reveal coding uses same regions as speech
Twitch streamers receive a flood of music copyright claims for old clips
IBM will no longer offer, develop, or research facial recognition technology
Google Meet Switches On Jaw-Dropping Feature To Beat Zoom & Microsoft Teams
Developer warns VR headset damaged eyesight
TEDxPioneerValley – Sue Barry – Fixing My Gaze
How Virtual Reality Could Fix Your Vision Problems (VIDEO)

Donovan Adkisson
Samuel Lewis
Shae Jones