SouthGeek News

SouthGeek News

Episode 4: Quantum Distancing

June 01, 2020

The crew (minus Oliver) are back to discuss warrantless access to your browser, and search history; GE sells off their 129 year old lighting business; the state of social media, Section 230, and Trump; Google admits they have issues with some of their core C and C++ code; and the company that is selling a USB device to protect your from 5G…for $350.

Mozilla, Twitter, Reddit join forces in effort to block browsing data from warrantless access
GE is saying goodbye to its 129-year-old light bulb business
Trump is set to announce an executive order against social media companies
Trump signs order that could punish social media companies for how they police content, drawing criticism and doubts of legality
Google Just Gave Millions Of Users A Reason To Quit Chrome
Please don’t buy this fake $350 anti-5G USB stick

Donovan Adkisson
Samuel Lewis
Shae Jones