SouthGeek News

SouthGeek News

Episode 1: The May Love Bug

May 11, 2020

For their first episode of SouthGeek News, Donovan, Oliver, Sam, and Shae discuss the May 4th anniversary of The Love Bug pandemic that started on May 4, 2000.  Oliver and Donovan both being in the broadband industry at the time don’t have much of a recollection about this particular worm that cost approximately $10 billion in damages in 2000.
Working in the Healthcare industry, Oliver delivers some very interesting information on pivoting to Telehealth and Telemedicine.
For some geeking-out space news, telescopes have picked up radio bursts from our very own galaxy!
With everyone having to social distance due to COVID-19, video conferencing software such as Teams, WebEx, Google Meet, and Zoom have come under heavy use and some heavy scrutiny in regards to privacy.  Just how much data are they collecting?
Sam brings in a discussion on a device that is being developed and tested that could help monitor COVID symptoms.
Rounding out the discussions, Donovan points to the BBC releasing a series of backgrounds from their various shows for people to use in the Zoom meetings, etc.

‘I love you’: How a badly-coded computer virus caused billions in damage and exposed vulnerabilities which remain 20 years on
Love Bug’s creator tracked down to repair shop in Manila
Virtually Perfect? Telemedicine for Covid-19

* Definitions

Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, and WebEx are collecting more customer data than they appear to be
Telescopes Around the World Pick Up Mysterious Radio Burst Coming From Our Own Galaxy
Device Developed with accelerometer to monitor possible Covid symptons without a microphone
Empty Sets

Donovan Adkisson
Samuel Lewis
Shae Jones