The Sound Foundations for Parenting Podcast

The Sound Foundations for Parenting Podcast

Latest Episodes

Your Child Is A Whole Person
November 18, 2019

Brenda Lana

The Triune Brain
November 01, 2019

We discuss the multiple levels of the brain with our special guest Gayle Moyers.

I know what you did this summer
September 17, 2019

Episode 4: I know what you do this summer and other school breaks. Gayle Moyers founded the Moyers Center for Learning in San Diego and has delivered innovative interventions to challenged learners for 50 years.

Your Best is Good Enough
September 17, 2019

Episode Notes When I met Gayle Moyers in 1998 she was standing in front of 30 or so parents. She had their full attention with a simple overhead projector and black and white overlays. It wasn’t the presentation materials folks were interested in,

Be Here Now
September 17, 2019

In this episode Darren McCarthy and Gayle Moyers discuss being present to your child.

Sound Foundations for Parenting Introduction
September 04, 2019

Welcome to the Sound Foundations for Parenting Podcast. An overview of
