Sound Behavior, How Celebrities Are Born, Host Don Crosby

Sound Behavior, How Celebrities Are Born, Host Don Crosby

Wonderfully Motivated, Terry Allan Christian – Episode #37

March 18, 2021


Terry Allan Christian is a man who not only overcame the life of a dysfunctional home, but conquered disabilities that would hold most people back, but not Terry.

He took his ingrained Can-Do Anything Attitude implanted from his lovely mother, to sharing and encouraging others becoming a Professional Motivational Speaker. To the level that only most people could ever dream… including working with and being mentor by the some of the greatest self-improvement gurus of our history.

This episode is an amazing story from an incredible man. How his story of dropping out of school at sixteen, leaving home to finding a high level of prestigious financial success and walking away from it all to pursue of life following Christ.

Today he is an author, mentor, counselor and motivational extraordinaire for biblical teaching.

Once again, I’ve been honored... thank you for listening to Sound Behavior where I share the journey of How Celebrities Are Born and the lives of everyday people.



p.s. Do yourself a treat, share this episode with your friends and family along with these  6 links to receive the depth of Terry’s books and materials.

1. My 40yr Journey Walking with the Master 

2. Why do some Christians receive Divine Healing & others don’t?  

3. THE LIFE WALK -aka- The Miracle Walk 

4. My Conclusions in Christ 


5. This link is to our 5min Book Preview with endorsements:

6. This link goes to our WDJS Marketing Fund Project: