Sound Behavior, How Celebrities Are Born, Host Don Crosby

Sound Behavior, How Celebrities Are Born, Host Don Crosby

Sometimes you meet the nicest people in airports – Episode 013

April 06, 2018

A few weeks ago while returning from New York I met the nicest young lady at the JFK Airport. While I was expecting a long two and half hours of waiting, a delightful conversation effortlessly breezed by and stole my expected boredom.

If I remember right my contribution was more listening than talking, but I’ve learned the significance of having selective dialog, by allowing someone to express their feelings can be an appreciated experience.

She was returning from a romantic rendezvous with someone of whom she thought that just maybe there was a future of long-term potential. By  the painful tone of her voice… I could sense the possible relief that probably her parents were experiencing as they were waiting for her to return home (only speculation), but I often explain to people, that “PUPPY LOVE IS REAL TO THE PUPPY”.

Her feelings had been badly bruised; obviously she needed an old fashion banana split and an outstanding comedy to relieve her mind from the sensations of the emotional rollercoaster.

As we were departing for our gates I introduced my passion and profession while offering to assist her, she kindly said she would LOVE to… with this episode it is my pleasure to introduce you to Sheridan, of Dallas, Texas.