Soul Psychology

Soul Psychology

Peaceful Action: Syria/US, Interview with Shamira Virji

September 05, 2013

Join "Soul Psychology" as we welcome Shamira Virji to the radio airwaves. This special program will include a group peace meditation and complimentary intuitive readings on your life.  We will be focusing on how we can each bring more peace to the world by bringing it into our own lives in abundance. Be sure to put this one in your calandar and call in!
Shamira is a Global Peace Educator and a Spiritual Coach teaching people to live in the flow of their Soul's Creativity.
Shamira has lived in various parts of the world. Her great grandparents journeneyed to East Africa from India and the family settled their for many generations. Shamira was born and grew up in Kenya. She was raised in the Sufi tradition and has lived in both Canada and the US. Currently, Shamira resides in the Pacific Northwest. She had to learn how to negotiate across different cultural and spiritual traditions her entire life - which made her journey into international negotiations a natural step.
Shamira has worked with international agencies as a Compassionate Negotiator in conflict zones of the world and as a Consultant/Coach in the field of Organizational Change Management.
Shamira weaves into her current work a lifetime of living in and exploring diverse spiritual traditions, and  has a current and on-going 20 year Spiritual Training experientialy awakening to Soul and the Soul's purpose in the world.
Ms. Virji's educational background includes Doctoral (Candidate) work in Consciousness, Creativity and Change, and degrees in International (Financial) Management and Economics.
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