Songwriter Insights: Nuts and Bolts Talk for Today's Music Biz

Songwriter Insights: Nuts and Bolts Talk for Today's Music Biz

Keith and Sue Mohr – open mic songwriter contest, artist self-discovery process, and the value of 1000 loyal fans

March 27, 2015

“Let's Be Independent Together!”-- Keith Mohr

Founder/President of Indieheaven, Keith Mohr and President of The Inner ViZion, Sue Mohr have over 30 years combined experience consulting in the arena of Music, Television and Creative Arts.

They are the owners of The Mohr Creative Group, a consulting firm that works with creatives to effectively expand their vision, the indie gurus at the Christian Musician Summits, the personalities behind the podcast, IndieMechanics, creators of a popular songwriter open-mic contest in Nashville, TN and pen articles for Christian Musician and CCM Magazine.

Many describe Sue as the ‘where’s Waldo finder’. Her uber-creative mind, combined with honesty, integrity and attention to the details are what has made her a unique consultant. She works with individuals to find the holes in their plan, helps them to laser-focus and works within “their” box, but out of the box of the rest of the world.

Being a producer and musician himself, Keith speaks the language that resonates with kingdom creatives. Touring the USA with the group “Harvest” provided hands on experience in teaching artists how to create and sustain a touring music ministry. Building community, one-on-one engagement and teaching how to network utilizing various digital platforms has been his forte. Keith created and facilitated the Christian Independent Artist Summit conferences which were held annually in Nashville, TN.
What's Covered

* Nashville Rising Star
The Open Mic Songwriter Contest
* Allowing the audience into the process
* It's about "The Song"
* Spotlight on the Songwriter
* Coffee, Co-writes and Collaboration
* Participating in Nashville Rising Star
How it works
The benefits
* Open Mic Pointers and Tips
* Christian Music
A genre within a bubble
The different styles

* The Whale or the Minnows
* One Thousand loyal fans
* Breaking the Fourth Wall
* The Discovery Process
Know yourself first
Kirk or Spock - separating the emotion

Keith & Sue Links

Nashville Rising Star

Mohr Creative Group




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