Something Wonderful

Something Wonderful

Something Wonderful About Getting Motivated with Marion - May 20,2013

May 20, 2013

Marion Licchiello is a Self Empowerment Coach and Motivational Speaker. She has studied many modalities that include helping others such as: personal training, fitness counseling, hypnosis, thought field therapy, kinesiology, coaching, and consulting. She prides herself on learning and growing to become a better person day by day while helping others do the same. . Marion's articles, write-ups, and other stories have been published by various websites and magazines. More than twenty five years ago, after being bedridden with Lyme disease for nine months, she was told she may be in a wheelchair the rest of her life. That was unacceptable to her. She realized if she had used the power of positive and healthy thoughts, she may have been out of bed in three weeks. She took her life into her own hands, not only in this situation but through abuse, being controlled, and growing up in a negativeenvironment. Her primary belief is that whatever you focus on is what you get, so why not focus on the positive? The law of attraction guides her each and every day. She is a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. She also believes attitude is everything and changing one single thought can make a world of difference in your life…. And she always believes if she can do it, Anyone Can! My website is The book is available through my website. Anyone who calls or contacts me for a book and says "Something Wonderful" will receive a discount.

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