Solopreneur Podcast – Solopreneur Smarts

Solopreneur Podcast – Solopreneur Smarts

Solo Smarts #41: Michele Scism Is Willing To Do What It Takes

March 24, 2017

Michele Scism is our Keynote at the April 2017 Beachpreneurs Beach Camp on Daytona Beach and I invited her to join me for a great conversation on how she transitioned from the offline business world to become a rocking online business success story.
Some topics we covered:

Why she’s moving completely to Click Funnels.
Who she was first mentored by.
The importance of knowing what you want to gain from the events you host.

She’s a super lady with so much to share – I look forward to every minute we get to share with her at Beach Camp!
Stop by her website, Decisive Minds, to claim a free list building gift. I did!
Oh – and remember her tip:  Sell something on your optin Thank You Pages!