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Solomon Success » Podcast

Latest Episodes

136: 5 Ways To Achieve Your Vision
March 25, 2020

Our guest host, Rabbi Evan Moffic shares biblical lessons from Solomon that can be applied to business and life. Today, Rabbi Moffic talks about how to deal with stress and anxiety in the wake of this economic downturn. As well, he extends some...

135: 2 Biblical Lessons From Pandemics
March 23, 2020

Our guest host, Rabbi Evan Moffic shares biblical lessons from Solomon that can be applied to business and life. Today, Rabbi Moffic discusses wisdom that can be used in understanding how to react to the Coronavirus Pandemic dilemma. Be a leader by...

134: How God Invests In Real Estate
March 18, 2020

Today, Rabbi Evan Moffic discusses wisdom and the pursuit of a life of freedom, and a life of true wealth, success, and significance. Evan shares some of the same principles the ancient Israelites used and how they are applicable in today’s...

133: How To Deal With Fear & Disease
March 16, 2020

Rabbi Evan Moffic talks about living in fear, especially in this day of Coronavirus pandemic. But fear isn’t necessarily a bad thing. The way in which we handle fear can be a strength. Part of success comes from confronting our fear, and getting out...

132: 5 Ways to Be Happier
November 23, 2019

Rabbi Evan Moffic is here today to discuss 5 ways you can make yourself happier. Money and happiness are related, but not the same thing. There's also a difference between pleasure and happiness. One is fleeting, the other lasting. The best way to get...

131: 4 Reasons to Want to Be Wealthy
November 18, 2019

In the previous episode Rabbi Evan Moffic explored whether it was a sin to be wealthy. Today, he examines four reasons you, as a believer, should WANT to be wealthy. Remember, money is neither good nor bad, it's what you do with it that truly matters....

131: 4 Reasons You Want to Be Wealthy
October 21, 2019

Rabbi Moffic discusses four reasons that you really want to be wealthy in our society today. It's not for the reasons many people want to be wealthy, it's not about status and buying things to give us status among other people. In fact, the desire for...

130: Is It a Sin to Be Rich?
October 14, 2019

Rabbi Moffic explores the question of whether it's a sin to be rich. Many in today's society equate being wealthy with sin in our society. But, in reality, how we use money reflects our innermost values. Part of building wealth is solving problems....

129: 5 Ways to Manage Risk in Life & Money
September 29, 2019

Rabbi Evan Moffic discusses one of his favorite passages from Ecclesiastes and the 5 things it teaches us about managing risk. Risk is everywhere in life, even when it's minimal. As people, it's important to think long term, because what we're doing...

128: How Did Solomon Get So Much?
September 21, 2019

Rabbi Evan Moffic examines 6 of the reasons that King Solomon was able to amass as much as he was able during his life. They're all things that we ourselves can utilize to make our lives better. We all need to keep our focus in a distracted world in...