Solomon Success » Podcast

Solomon Success » Podcast

Latest Episodes

146: Are You A Tennis or Chess Player?
June 19, 2020

Rabbi Evan translates the wisdom of King Solomon of the Hebrew Bible to ideas in which we can use and live by today. Today, Evan shares his thoughts about how we respond to challenges. In some situations, the key to success is planning and staying...

145: Mortgage Credit Availability MCAI, Migration with Evan Moffic
June 12, 2020

The key is to take action, but the purpose of today’s show is to explain why the actions we take make sense. Jason Hartman and Evan Moffic discuss the mortgage credit availability index, MCAI, and affordability. What has changed since 2004? Why...

144: America is Moving! Suburban Cocooning, Evan Moffic

June 05, 2020

Escape to the suburbs! Jason Hartman and Evan Moffic discuss the changes approaching in how we look at our homes. With the benefit of work and school being just a few feet away from our beds, we are all looking to improve our homes. And for those that...

143: Profit From Migration, Tidal Wave & Big Government
May 29, 2020

Jason Hartman and Rabbi Evan Moffic talk about the big migration out of high density areas. Starting in 2016 a trend of moving to low density areas started to grow and the pandemic has encouraged the departure from more densely populated areas. While...

142: The Solution To Everything
May 01, 2020

Today, Rabbi Moffic discusses wealth in terms of freedom, independence, and the ability to live the kind of life that we’d like. Of course, we must learn to navigate challenging times. Rabbi Moffic reminds of the Hebrew scripture that says that God...

141: 2 Kinds of Freedom
April 15, 2020

What’s the meaning of freedom? How can it be applied to business and prosperity? Today, Rabbi Evan Moffic describes the sentiment from the Jewish tradition of Passover to explain freedom from a different perspective. Join us weekly for more wisdom...

140: CARES Act $170 Billion RE Investors
April 12, 2020

Stay Calm, Keep Good Counsel, Keep Your Eye On The Ball, Take Action. Rinse, and repeat. Jason Hartman is joined in today’s episode with his co-host, Rabbi Evan Moffic. Evan brings up some challenging questions about a new potential tax break from...

139: Short-term rentals, Airbnb vs Coronavirus
April 07, 2020

How have short-term rentals changed amid coronavirus? Jason interviews Evan on his recent short-term rental purchase and how bookings have changed. Once again, this proves the shift from high-density living environments to low-density dwellings. ...

138: Are You Wealthy?
April 03, 2020

Today, Rabbi Evan Moffic continues discussing biblical wisdom and how we can live a richer happier life. Today, Rabbi Moffic shares some thoughts on what wealth is and what does wealth mean in our lives? Have we learned anything from Coronavirus and...

137: How To Stay Calm Amidst the Storm
March 31, 2020

Today, Rabbi Moffic shares encouraging thoughts and wisdom to keep calm amidst the storm. There is no need to chase down “get rich quick” schemes when we have a 3,000-year-old document rich with wisdom. In life, and in times like these, it’s...