The Solid Reasons Morning Show

The Solid Reasons Morning Show

Latest Episodes

The 2015 MTV Video Music Awards
September 09, 2015

About a week has passed since the 2015 MTV VMA's and it seems that the wreckage that was Miley Cirus' performance since 2013 has continued. Talking with Anthony Weber about the VMA and a touch of celebritism.

Defining Terms of the week
September 04, 2015

We realized that we had said a lot of crazy terms this week and didn't do a very good job defining them-so we created a show to define them. And gave very little time to actually defining the terms... :) enjoy!

Is Calvinism's View of Molinism correct?
September 03, 2015

Continuing our discussion from Tuesday, what is the correct view of Molinism? Is it possible that a molinistic framework is "dangerous." Or is it possible that the supralapsarianism view of calvinism is incorrect? Is it also possible that the view...

Thou Shalt be respectful in theological debate...
September 01, 2015

When we have theological debate we MUST be respectful. In the past 48hours there has been much dialogue over certain individuals that have been caught up in the Ashley Madison controversy, Calvinistic leanings, and other theological positions that...

The Books & Movies of Heavenly Tourism
August 31, 2015

With the new movie “90 Minutes in Heaven” coming to theaters in September, we must once again talk about the concepts of near-death & heavenly tourism. As Christians we must understand the theological/doctrinal implications. Philip talks with Anthony...

You believe in a Fairy-Tale...
August 28, 2015

"You believe in a Fairy-Tale" is the charge that atheists are charging christians with. Is that fair? Talking with Paul Rupple, he states that we should push back in the areas of Origin of the Universe, Morality, and Conciousness.

Why Does God allow Suffering?
August 27, 2015

Why did God cause the 10th plague? If God is good and all-powerful why would He allow bad things to happen? What does the story of Job tell us? What about Romans 8:28? Philip talks with Andy Ashenden about this and more...

Natural Explanations of "The Ten Plagues"
August 26, 2015

With the recent article by "Cracked" and the movie of Exodus: Gods & Kings, there is supposedly a natural explanation for the ten plagues. How do they fair to logic, science, and history? How does it compare to Scripture? Philip talks with Andy...

Worldviews in Entertainment (part 2)
August 25, 2015

Worldviews matter. What is interesting is how we accept many different ideologies in entertainment without necessarily realizing it. We must ask basic questions and be cognizant of these things as we watch, read, and listen to entertainmet. Philip...

Biblical stories explained by Science?
August 24, 2015

A new article that is making its way around the viral interwebs is making claim that biblical stories are not as miraculous as once thought. On this episode, Philip talks with Andy Ashenden about Jesus walking on water, David & Goliath, God's wrath...