So it's a show?: keeping up with the Gilmore Girls

So it's a show?: keeping up with the Gilmore Girls

ep 77: Bada bing! All over his nice Ivy League suit. (The Godfather)

April 17, 2020

Bada bing! Is this the most-referenced piece of pop culture on Gilmore Girls? While we’re focusing on one reference in the only Emmy-winning episode of our favorite show, we can’t ignore how many times The Godfather has gotten a shout-out. What did the real mafia think of this movie? Why did it have so much Oscar controversy? And how do the Corleones compare to the Gilmores? We complete the Holy Film Trio by covering this classic, its history, and a bunch of other pop culture picks that reference it until we run out of quotes just like Lorelai.

Other pop culture we ref: Citizen Kane, Casablanca, Misery, Mommie Dearest, The Outsiders, Errol Flynn, Claude Monet, You’ve Got Mail, Frank Sinatra, Zootopia, Modern Family, Tuck Everlasting, Parks & Recreation, The Rainmaker, Avengers: Endgame, The Irishman

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