Social: The Power of Relationships, Networking Skills, Marketing Yourself, Personal Branding

Social: The Power of Relationships, Networking Skills, Marketing Yourself, Personal Branding

Ep 009: Types of Conversations

November 17, 2017

Show Notes:
This podcast is a wild card. We had a few things we wanted to talk about last week but didn’t end up finishing and its okay and as such, we will be discussing how we handle negative people.
Jason handles negative people by listening to them and making sure they feel heard. He commonly asks questions and repeats their responses. He then also looks for something he can complement them on. After a few minutes, he looks for other people to introduce them to. Similar strategies provide value to the person and leave them on a good note.
Josh shares how we try to fix things when all we need to do is listen. What makes things better is connections. We listen and ask questions to show we care.
Small talk opens people up because it sets the mood. We can share what we are struggling with to show we can empathize and to subtly provide some advice.
You just don’t tell them what to do, you instead share what you have done, what has worked/ works in your case, and may do in the future.
How do you share something you are struggling with without being negative about it? (For ideas, please review episode 011 the 5 Love Languages)
In different group settings, we act very differently, (for why, please review episode 006 The Five Social Roles).
Always start with what you are grateful for because you must be grateful for who you are before we can become the person we want to be.
“The mighty lion toys with the mouse that crosses his path—any other reaction would mar his fearsome reputation.”
― Robert Greene, The 48 Laws of Power
Allow yourself to be passionate.
YouTube Video “It’s not about the nail”
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