Social: The Power of Relationships, Networking Skills, Marketing Yourself, Personal Branding

Social: The Power of Relationships, Networking Skills, Marketing Yourself, Personal Branding

Ep 008: Working The Room

November 09, 2017

Show Notes:
“When you give yourself permission to communicate what matters to you in every situation you will have peace despite rejection or disapproval. Putting a voice to your soul helps you to let go of the negative energy of fear and regret.” -by Shannon L. Alder
Working the room means making friends and influencing people in a social setting, since if you walk into the room for the first time, you probably don’t know anyone, there are two approaches you can take but they start the same. One is introducing yourself to others that have the same emotional energy you do, welcoming them to the group,make sure you talk confidently which is why you talk about what you value. As you talk to people you build your confidence and emotional energy.
An introvert will continue speaking one on one with people throughout the room. While an extrovert will find someone they can really connect with and together they will grow a circle around them as they entertain and make people laugh.
Small talk is crucial for building rapport. It’s not about what you are talking about it’s about the emotions you are sending across those empathy waves. You find out how they are feeling and what they are willing to talk about through small talk.
What to talk about
Talk about the things you value. Talk about the things that the group is coming together about. Share your life stories that make you laugh or talk about something that you learned recently. Talk about what you are passionate about. If you can talk about it they’ll listen if you appear interested in listening in turn.
“If you see something beautiful in someone speak it” -by Ruthie Lindsey
Debating a topic disrespectfully. It’s not about proving the other person wrong if your intention is to make friends. The good way to debate is to point out the things you agree on and pose questions on things you don’t agree on.
Avoid talking about the things that make you depressed or anxious. It’s all about the emotion you want to share and talk about things that bring the feeling to your memory. If all you talk about is depressing than that’s all you are going to find and experience in your life.
We all have bad days and we do need some time to share our frustrations. However make sure you show gratitude for them to listen to you and strive to share something you are passionate about in the future.
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