Social Media Pulse

Social Media Pulse

#33 Best Free iPad Apps

July 16, 2013

Talking everything Social Media, Tech & Online Marketing.  Covering pertinent social media news, and Craig’s weekly Random Resources!

Broadcast Summary:

  • News Desk – Chey talking about the NBN Chief quitting, Kevin Rudd Tweeting and Instagramming, Twitter starting to auction Ad Space for the 2014 World Cup, Kissmetric’s My Analytics App, and a hello to Answer Marks of plus Craig mentioning embedding Instagram videos in blog posts;
  • Random Resources – Craig talking about Group Buying sites and the ACCC, Start-up company Evrythng and possible start of everything being made scannable and trackable online (including socks),  favorite TV shows and developments in touch-screen typing methods and technology;
  • Random Resources – Chey talking about her list of the best free iPad Apps available
  • Random Resources – Chey discussing the forthcoming Geelong Small Business Festival Month (August) and upcoming events plus Craig mentioning the imminent  need to transfer to the New Mailchimp before July 15th.

Full Transcription

CRAIG:      A good afternoon everyone. My name’s Craig McCarthy. I’m here with Cheyanne Ainsworth, and you are listening to a show where we talk about everything social media, tech and online marketing. This is Social Media Pulse. Welcome, Chey.

CHEY:       Hey Craig. How are you doing?

CRAIG:      I’m doing really good, thank you.

CHEY:       You’ve got your voice back this week.

CRAIG:      I’ve got my voice back this week, yes. I was a little bit croaky.

CHEY:       I listened back to last week’s episode …

CRAIG:      How did it come out?

CHEY:       Well – yes – you sound hot!

CRAIG:      Oh, do I? I always sound hot. Thanks very much.

CHEY:       Yes. I have listened back to a couple of episodes, and I just cringe sometimes. I really do! I said that to somebody on Twitter today, and yes. It’s always good to listen back and rate yourself on how you …

CRAIG:      Critique.

CHEY:       Mmmm.

CRAIG:      Yes. That’s absolutely right.

CHEY:       My biggest downfall – my ums and ahs and ums and ahs and mmm.

CRAIG:      Um – really? Um.

CHEY:       Yes. Really.

[both laugh]

CRAIG:      It’s like when we amuse ourselves in here.

CHEY:       We do. We do. Now what have we got on the show today?

CRAIG:      Oh. Wow. Funny you should ask. I’ve got lots of stuff coming up I want to talk about. Group buying site Scoopon …

CHEY:       Yes?

CRAIG:      James Packer’s site is in trouble with the ACCC.

CHEY:       Oh.

CRAIG:      I’m not sure if that’s going to come in your News Desk, but if not I’ll be talking about that also.

CHEY:       I’ll take it out if it is.

CRAIG:      Great. Also there’s a new start-up company that are making social media for objects.

CHEY:       Ok?

CRAIG:      So you can have your golf clubs can be on social media, and your tennis racket and that sort of stuff. So …

CHEY:       Is this like what I reported a couple of weeks ago with the birds? The guy had the keyboard and …

CRAIG:      Negative.

CHEY:       Negative? Ok.

CRAIG:      No. It’s different.

CHEY:       I still think that’s hilarious, that these birds have their own Twitter account and they Tweet from a keyboard in the Ukraine.

CRAIG:      Yes.

CHEY:       Incredible.

CRAIG:      Yes. If you really want to listen to that, go back – go to SocialMediaPulse.Com and you can stream all our episodes from there. I can’t remember which episode it was when we were talking about that, but it’ll be in the show notes.

CHEY:       It shall be, but if you go onto YouTube and just search “Twitter Birdsâ€, I’m tipping you’ll find it.

CRAIG:      Yes. Yes. Fantastic. Also I want to talk about some new technology coming to make it easier to type on your touch screen.

CHEY:       OK.

CRAIG:      Then you iPad, iPhone, and also what happens to your Google account when you die.

CHEY:       Ok!

CRAIG:      We’re tackling the issues in here – absolutely.

CHEY:       Big social media issues today.

CRAIG:      Absolutely. What have you coming up, Chey?

CHEY:       Well I’ve got the News Desk, and then I was actually going to have a little bit of a rant today about social media speakers and their lack of integrity. But I started writing down a few things, and I thought ‘you know what? It needs a bit more thought’, so I’m tipping I’ll have that one for next week, so this week I’m going to be talking about iPad Apps and there’s actually an App that came out today that I want to talk about as well.

CRAIG:      Mmm, ok! So we are going to have to wait till next week for your rant. You haven’t had a rant for a couple of weeks actually.

CHEY:       I know. I’ve been too busy.

CRAIG:      I’m looking forward to that. Too busy?

CHEY:       Mind you, there has been rants but they haven’t been publicized.

CRAIG:      Right. Ok. Are they in your blog, are they? There’s some rants on your blog. Absolutely.

CHEY:       Yes.

CRAIG:      I’ve seen them.

CHEY:       Yes. There is. There is. I often have a bit of a rant in there.

CRAIG:      Last week’s show we had – we talked about Themes and the Avada Theme.

CHEY:       Yes, we did.

CRAIG:      Yes. You can go to the website if you want to have a look at that.

CHEY:       I must say I do go and have a look at it too.

CRAIG:      It’s pretty flash.

CHEY:       Yes, it is. Yes, I like it.

CRAIG:      Mmm. Umm. And Umm – Agh – this week. How’s your week been?

CHEY:       Oh, again like the last 2 weeks.

CRAIG:      A blur?

CHEY:       Absolute blur! Yes.

CRAIG:      Mine’s been really good. I’ve been – they launched the LEX program again through Give Where You Live.

CHEY:       Explain a bit about the LEX Program?

CRAIG:      Ok. So the LEX is the Loaned Executive Program. So Give Where You Live are a local fundraising group here in Geelong. They were established, I think, in the ‘60s by – when Ford first came to Geelong there was a couple of Ford Executives from North America, and also a couple of local APEX representatives, and they decided to – that Geelong was a nice-sized town and had good industry in the town to set up a community fundraising group based on the community chest …

CHEY:       Of executives at different companies.

CRAIG:      Yes. So Give Where You Live – they run events to raise money and they also have corporate sponsorship, but their main fundraising activity is the Loaned Executive Program where what they do is they – is about. This year, I think there’s 30-odd businesses around the Geelong area who assign a representative from that business to come in to learn about Give Where You Live and learn about the local communities and the local community support groups, and then go back into their companies and other companies and encourage people to sign up to workplace giving.

CHEY:       Yes.

CRAIG:      So workplace giving is where you simply, you know …

CHEY:       And you’ve been doing this for a couple of years now, haven’t you?

CRAIG:      Yes, yes. I got involved last year. I was involved in the LEX Program last year and it’s a great program. We’ve raised over $1M last year in workplace giving, which is – you know –

CHEY:       Awesome.

CRAIG:      Where people sign up to give up, you know, $2 or $3 or $5 out of their pay every week, and then that comes in to Give Where You Live. And then Give Where You Live have a quite comprehensive process to then pass all that money out to all the different charity groups. And so Geelong is a unique region because there are so many of these charity groups that are supported by Give Where You Live. So …

CHEY:       Does Give Where You Live have a Twitter account?

CRAIG:      Yes.

CHEY:       I thought they did.

CRAIG:      Twitter. Facebook. Yes.

CHEY:       Yes. They are …

CRAIG:      Absolutely.

CHEY:       They are across social, which is good.

CRAIG:      Yes. They are across social. And yes, so if all these smaller charities and community support groups had to do their own fundraising they would never be able to, you know, survive …

CHEY:       Get the reach that they do.

CRAIG:      Survive. Get the reach. Get the impact into businesses and that sort of stuff. So it’s a great program. Because of it, there’s lots of (you know) charities that can survive in this region so a lot of niche charities that don’t get the support from the Government and that sort of stuff. But anyway, we started the program, and guess who’s in my team on the program?

CHEY:       Who?

CRAIG:      Ray ???. From Evologic.

CHEY:       Oh. He’s a great IT dude.

CRAIG:      He is a big IT dude. Loves his Twitter too!

CHEY:       Oh, yes and the Geelong Cats.

CRAIG:      And the Geelong Cats. Yes.

CHEY:       Yes. And I think he might be watching the Ashes at the moment too. I thought I saw some Ashes …

CRAIG:      Ok.

CHEY:       Tweets from him.

CRAIG:      Ok.

CHEY:       It might have been somebody else, but no. He’s definitely an IT guru/mastermind-ish type guy in the Geelong region.

CRAIG:      Yes. Absolutely.

CHEY:       Yes.

CRAIG:      Loves his social media. We met him. I first met him at Bizz3228

CHEY:       Yes.

CRAIG:      Networking event a couple of months ago.

CHEY:       Met him a few times. Now talking about Bizz3228, they’ve actually got their BizMas in July.

CRAIG:      Ok.

CHEY:       And I think that’s the 25th of July. If you go to and you will find all of their details there for their mid-year – I don’t know what to call it – BizMas in July!

CRAIG:      Yes.

CHEY:       I was going to call it something else, but I realize I can’t swear on radio.

CRAIG:      I also went, this week, to the Legends Game.

CHEY:       Oh. Ok.

CRAIG:      Yes, at Eddie’s Hat Stadium which was a lot of fun. A lot of the old AFL players running around.

CHEY:       Yes.

CRAIG:      Having good fun. Strawnie was there.

CHEY:       Yes.

CRAIG:      Strawnie’s great.

CHEY:       Nice.

CRAIG:      Ok. We’ve got lots coming up in the show today. Stick around.

CHEY:       See you after the break.

CRAIG:      Yes.

[THEME TUNE MUSIC and pause]

CHEY:       And welcome back to 94.7 The Pulse, where you’re listening to Craig and Chey on Social Media Pulse.

CRAIG:      I’m having troubles with my chair today, Chey. It keeps sinking on my.

CHEY:       Yes. You do look a bit …

CRAIG:      I’ve technical issues here in the studio.

CHEY:       You look a bit low there, yes.

CRAIG:      Just – I think what’s happening is – I’m sure the listeners want to know this. When I turn around, it’s sinks.

CHEY:       Ok.

CRAIG:      So – gripping – great stuff we’ve got here on the radio today, isn’t it?

CHEY:       Yes.

CRAIG:      Nothing else meaningless …

CHEY:       Chair malfunction.

CRAIG:      Yes.

CHEY:       Mmm. Ok. We’ll go straight to the News Desk.

CRAIG:      Please.

CHEY:       This week – the NBN Chief has quit! And he’s done it pretty quietly.

CRAIG:      Right.

CHEY:       No press on it at all that I could find. No major press should I say? Mike Quigley. He is the Chief at NBN Co, and there has been speculation, apparently, that the Board was going to sack him. So he has – he is quitting.

CRAIG:      Right. Is that a sign as the whole thing is about to collapse?

CHEY:       Oh, well look ….

CRAIG:      Are they going to go back to – you know?

CHEY:       Who knows what they are going to do, but whoever steps into his place needs to be a leader because, really, I can see that he’s been the foundation guy. The next guy needs to be a leader, so. And technically savvy. No what else has been going on? Twitter – Kevin Rudd cut himself shaving and then shared it on Twitter and Instagram. What do you reckon about that? That’s our Prime Minister.

CRAIG:      Uh-huh! That even made it to the news.

CHEY:       It did.

CRAIG:      That was all over the news.

CHEY:       Yes. Now I forgot to get a count on Instagram and Twitter to see how many shares and likes and stuff. I think it was only at about 125 when I left. So really – I don’t know. I really don’t have a care factor on it to be quite honest. So whatever! But yes.

CRAIG:      Give us something better than that.

CHEY:       Well something better than that?

CRAIG:      Yes.

CHEY:       Well, you know, the past one was knitting on the front cover of the Woman’s Day with her dog at her feet. Like seriously! What sort of a party is this? Ok – no. Going off topic. What else is there? Here we go. YouTube – Pearl Jam announces new album “Mind Your Mannersâ€. I reckon that’s going to be a good one.

CRAIG:      Yes.

CHEY:       And they dropped a few bombs on YouTube this week. I had a good look. I am a Pearl Jam fan, so yes.

CRAIG:      Go on. You love it, love it.

CHEY:       Yes. Get on to YouTube, have a look at it, and I think their release date is in October sometime so they are doing some good teasers at the moment, which is good.

CRAIG:      Right.

CHEY:       Twitter has already started auctioning Ad space for the 2014 World Cup in Brazil. And I’ve got further information here. I’ll just sort of go through something. Taken from Mashable (love Mashable). They are basically set with over 200M users and 47M football fans. We are aware that competition for Twitter-promoted trends dates is likely to be intense. The Gold Ad Package – there’s 1 Silver and 2 Bronze Ad Packages – include promoted trends for 6 days, including on the Final and the Semi-Final. The Auction Reserve Price is 3.06M, according to the report. The winner of the Auctions will pay more than $1 – sorry. Pay $1 more than the second highest bidder. So there’s a lot of money going into Twitter Ad Promotions. And it is that multiple screen. So you are sitting in front of the TV, you could be using – you know – looking up on Facebook, you could be integrating with an App that a show has, whatever it be. You could be looking at Hashtags on Twitter, like I do when I watch Q&A. I certainly look through Q&A Hashtags to find familiar people. And like the Ashes and those sorts of things. So I can see why Twitter is getting on that early. Now the other thing I have here is the App that I was going to talk about that was being released for Google Analytics. Now there’s quite a few Apps out there. Some of them are too simple, and some of them are too complicated and just (you know) all sorts of reports and stuff. I have been looking for something, and this one came up through Kissmetrics. Now I like Kissmetrics. They certainly do some good stuff. They’ve released an App called My Analytics App. Now You’ve got quick access, which I like, so there is visits, unique visits, page views goals, e-commerce revenue and e-commerce transactions. They’re the most important things to me that I’m tracking, and especially goals. If I’m tracking, so this App will be put to the test. I literally downloaded it this morning. So that’s the News Desk for you.

CRAIG:      It’s great. Yes. So can you look at customer accounts through that as well?

CHEY:       Oh. I literally downloaded it this morning.

CRAIG:      Yes.

CHEY:       I had a bit of a flick through, but no. I didn’t go that far. Sorry. Now the other thing I was going to say was on Twitter today we had a lovely gentleman – Andrew Marks from a company called Nerd Coaching. And I love the name.

CRAIG:      Yes.

CHEY:       NerdCoaching.Com, if you want to go over and see his lovely photos and the information. But he does teaching of all sorts of tech, online marketing related things, and he talks in a language that everybody understands. So Nerd Coach – I just thought that’s fantastic. Hello Andrew out there. I know you Tweeted me this morning. Yes. That’s it for the News Desk.

CRAIG:      I’ve got something else to add to the News Desk. It just came through my emails a couple of hours ago. You can now – so you can now do video on Instagram. We know that.

CHEY:       Yes.

CRAIG:      Facebook introduced that. But you can now embed the video onto your blog.

CHEY:       Yes.

CRAIG:      Yes. Which is fantastic, so you can take the Instagram video and get the embed code and put that onto your blog.

CHEY:       Yes.

CRAIG:      So I thought that was pretty funky too.

CHEY:       And all sorts of filters and all sorts of stuff there.

CRAIG:      Yes. Yes. I like that.

CHEY:       Yes.

CRAIG:      All right. Stick around. We’ve got more to come.

[THEME TUNE MUSIC and pause]

CRAIG:      Welcome back to 94.7 The Pulse, and are you all right there, Chey?

CHEY:       Yes. I am. Just coughing.

CRAIG:      Yes. Ok. We won’t mind you. And absolutely get on board. Become a subscriber to The Pulse.

CHEY:       Support the community radio.

CRAIG:      Absolutely.. or 5222 5947. Ok, Chey?

CHEY:       Talk me through this.

CRAIG:      Controversy.

CHEY:       Mmm. Love it!

CRAIG:      So the ACCC are not happy. They’ve jumped all over James Packer’s …

CHEY:       Scoopon.

CRAIG:      Scoopon. Yes. And …

CHEY:       What’s the details?

CRAIG:      OK. So this is actually a first in a target campaign by the ACCC against the rapidly growing group buying industry.

CHEY:       M-hum. There’s so many of them, isn’t there?

CRAIG:      There’s heaps of them out there. Yes. Absolutely. Now the ACCC are not happy because they are alleging that Scoopon have misled consumers over their ability to redeem vouchers, refund rights and the price of goods advertised in relation to some guilds.

CHEY:       Yes. I’ve heard of some local ones around here too.

CRAIG:      Uh-huh. And they’re also saying that businesses are also unhappy because they were told 20% and 30% of vouchers would not be redeemed when there was no reasonable basis for this representation.

CHEY:       Yes.

CRAIG:      Yes, so yes. There’s lots of group buying sites set up and there’s some pretty good deals out there.

CHEY:       There is. Now I think some of the common things that I’ve heard about from customers is that when they sign up for these deals, they – like a restaurant, as I’ll use as an example – they signed up and thought that they were going to get … they made a deal and it was a dinner or something like that. A 3-course. Really nice restaurant here in Geelong, and they were going to get 50%. Right? So it was a 50/50 split between them and the certain deal group. And what happened was they set it out, the deal site was paid and then basically they had dates specified that they could come in to the restaurant and use this. When they came in, if they didn’t bring their number with them (as in their printout from their sheet), the restaurant wasn’t paid. So if the restaurant couldn’t give them (the deal site) a number in reference to their purchase …

CRAIG:      Yes.

CHEY:       then they wouldn’t be paid. The other thing was they were – people were coming in after the date that it was specified and on other dates that it said, you know, not Saturday nights or something like that …

CRAIG:      Yes.

CHEY:       And yes. So the – yes. Between the customer and the restaurant, and the restaurant and the deal site, it was an absolutely balls-up.

CRAIG:      Yes. Yes. Got it.

CHEY:       Yes.

CRIAG:      I’ve heard – I have actually heard some good stories of businesses who were – they were made an offer and they got a lot of business out of it.

CHEY:       Yes.

CRAIG:      So I think in some circumstances, you know, it can be a good thing.

CHEY:       In the news a while ago, there was a cupcake lady in the UK that went broke because the deal that she did was too good.

CRAIG:      Yes.

CHEY:       And she basically made no profit.

CRAIG:      So got too much – yes. Right.

CHEY:       All the promotion in the world but no profit. That’s not good.

CRAIG:      Yes. And you really – I mean this sort of stuff can send you out of business.

CHEY:       Yes.

CRAIG:      Theoretically, because if they’re selling this tickets, and you can’t keep up demand or you can’t fulfill the requirement. Yes, definitely, can see you out of business.

CHEY:       Now we were talking about your customer last week with the burlesque.

CRAIG:      Yes.

CHEY:       And that would probably be something that they should look at in local deal sites and things like that. I’m tipping they’ll be able tap into a nice little market there.

CRAIG:      Mmm.

CHEY:       Mmm.

CRAIG:      It’s a good idea, yes. I’ll have a look at that.

CHEY:       Yes. What else have you got?

CRAIG:      But beware. Be careful.

CHEY:       Yes.

CRAIG:      Ok.

CHEY:       Read the fine print, and ask around.

CRAIG:      That’s right. It may be …

CHEY:       Well I suppose for customers wanting to use it, going to the sites that offer certain deals and then contacting those businesses and finding out for themselves how it went is probably, you know, first hand in rule. That’s what I’d do.

CRAIG:      Yes. Yes. Just do that bit of extra research, make sure it’s going to work.

CHEY:       Before signing on the dotted line.

CRAIG:      That’s right. Ok. Here we go. Start-up company Evrythng (spelt without the second ‘e’ and without the ‘I’) based in London and Zurich are starting up – what their idea is what if every object has its own presence on the net.

CHEY:       Ok?

CRAIG:      So they are talking about objects like a bottle of wine or a set of golf clubs or a tennis racket or luggage or something like that.

CHEY:       Ok!

CRAIG:      Linked to the internet via things like …

CHEY:       So it can be traced, like a GPS sort of thing.

CRAIG:      Not necessarily. So let’s say – I’ll give you an example here. So let’s say you gave your dad and expensive bottle of wine.

CHEY:       Yes?

CRAIG:      Ok. And let’s say he took that home and then scanned the barcode, the QR Code or something like that on his smartphone …

CHEY:       Yes, I got it.

CRAIG:      Scan that particular bottle of wine, and then theoretically through this social media platform that could then link in to, for example, a video of you saying (you know) “Hi Dad. Happy Birthday Dadâ€. Something like that.

CHEY:       Oh gosh. Ok. Yes.

CRAIG:      Right? And then also, you know I think then advertisers could also get on board because once they understand the objects you are and that sort of stuff, there’s potential to …

CHEY:       Oh my gosh. I just look at things and I go ‘make it as simple as possible’. The more complex it is, the more people won’t use it.

CRAIG:      Absolutely.

CHEY:       So good luck to them.

CRAIG:      Yes. So once an object has a digital profile, developers can build Apps that allow its owner to amass data about that object.

CHEY:       Ok.

CRAIG:      Yes.

CHEY:       I think there’s probably more in pets having their own …

CRAIG:      Twitter account.

CHEY:       Yes.

CRAIG:      Yes. You could be right.

CHEY:       Yes. And I don’t think people find that sort of thing.

CRAIG:      I mean you know I love data, right?

CHEY:       Yes. Really.

CRAIG:      You know I love the idea of being able to scan stuff.

CHEY:       Yes.

CRAIG:      I saw on – I was watching … Big Bang Theory last week.

CHEY:       Love Big Bang Theory. Love it.

CRAIG:      And Sheldon was scanning his – he was packing his suitcase, because they were going – he was going around to Switzerland to see the telescope. And so he was – is that right? No. That was another episode. So he was scanning his socks. He put barcodes on his socks and his pants and everything like that. So he could keep track of where everything was. So …

CHEY:       Oh, he’s my type of man – Sheldon.

CRAIG:      Yes. He is. But you know the days are coming when everything is scannable and recognizable and …

CHEY:       Big Brother.

CRAIG:      You know, location-based, and yes. I like it.

CHEY:       Yes. Exactly.

CRAIG:      Ok. I’ve got one more thing I want to talk about.

CHEY:       You’ve got a big bag of goodies today, haven’t you?

CRAIG:      I have got lots of stuff. I’ve been looking around and clever. I like clever technology, and here’s some stuff that’s coming that may be useful if it ever eventuates. So typing on touchscreen keyboards on you iPad, for example.

CHEY:       Yes.

CRAIG:      Can be a little bit different because you don’t get the feedback, the feel of the buttons when you’re clicking them or missing them. That sort of stuff.

CHEY:       So you don’t get a ‘bop-bow’!

CRAIG:      Don’t get a sound, and you know, you don’t get a feel. But one of the good things about an electronic keyboard is that it can theoretically be adapted to suit different typing styles.

CHEY:       Ok. So the 1-fingered typer, and the (you know) touch-typer.

CRAIG:      Well they’ve – what they’ve found is that you can – for example – a user might hit the bottom of the key rather than the center of the key. So theoretically you can move the keys based on where a user is hitting the key.

CHEY:       Wow! Ok.

CRAIG:      To make it more accurate. One system identified these quirks and adjusted the layout of the keyboard in order to reduce errors. They did a test where users typed 15% faster after 3 sessions with the adjusted keyboards.

CHEY:       Oh! Secretaries out there – watch out.

CRAIG:      That’s right. However there was no change in accuracy with that, but they’ve also been looking at errors that crop up when typing and walking.

CHEY:       Ok.

CRAIG:      So when you’re on your iPhone and you’re typing and walking, and so they’ve logged data about the accuracy of your typing and also the phone’s accelerometer. And they’ve found that as your foot hits the ground, for example, your tap tends to shift.

CHEY:       Ok.

CRAIG:      With that movement.

CHEY:       Yes. The motion. Yes.

CRAIG:      That’s right. So what they’ve done is they’ve designed a keyboard that is linked in to the accelerometer on your phone and they actually move the buttons based on what the accelerometer is doing, and they’ve found that they’ve improved typing speed by 13% compared to a regular iPhone keyboard and error rates have fallen from 10% to 6%.

CHEY:       Wow.

CRAIG:      So there you go.

CHEY:       Interesting.

CRAIG:      Yes. I mean we like electronic stuff, because …

CHEY:       We do.

CRAIG:      You can keep – get some data and make changes and – yes – I thought that was a little bit interesting. Might be the way things are going.

CHEY:       Well you were talking last week about the – linking up your accounts with your car. What was the?

CRAIG:      Yes. So Pandora is now available in a lot of cars in the US.

CHEY:       Yes. I think that one will be a nice little change in the automotive industry.

CRAIG:      Yes. Absolutely.

CHEY:       Yes. They are going to have to keep up, or ship out.

CRAIG:      And the radio industry too!

CHEY:       Oh, yes. Absolute.

CRAIG:      With more people are streaming music rather than listening to radios.

CHEY:       Yes. So you don’t have to listen to Ads.

CRAIG:      That’s right. Although Pandora’s now got Ads. So …

CHEY:       Oh, does it? Can you get a – you know, upgrade your account?

CRAIG:      Yes, you can.

CHEY:       So you can’t get Ads?

CRAIG:      You can.

CHEY:       Just like you can fastforward through on Foxtel. Love it.

CRAIG:      Yes. Love it.

CHEY:       Yes. Anything to get away from advertisers. It really – I think that there’s that bugbear where people really do just want no advertising. They just want to guts of it really.

CRAIG:      Yes. I don’t mind paying a bit extra for that. No.

CHEY:       No. Neither do I. No, absolutely not. Ok. I think we are going to a break. And then I’m going to be back with the best iPhone – sorry, yes. Best iPhone Apps out there.

[THEME TUNE MUSIC and pause]

CRAIG:      Welcome back to Social Media Pulse on this Friday afternoon.

CHEY:       This relaxing Friday afternoon.

CRAIG:      Relaxing Friday afternoon. We love Friday afternoons.

CHEY:       10 to 4. Knocking off.

CRAIG:      Yes.

CHEY:       Hitting the pub.

CRAIG:      Yes. Getting down amongst it.

CHEY:       Yes. Absolutely.

CRAIG:      Love that.

CHEY:       Now I’m going to – I think I said before the break that we were talking about the best free iPhone Apps, but it’s actually the iPad Apps. So I thought I would just go through a list of them that I love, and if Craig, you’ve got any that I’ve missed just butt in and …

CRAIG:      Yes. Will do.

CHEY:       I’ll add them to my list. And I think I might put the list up separately on Social Media Pulse so that people can go to that.

CRAIG:      Right.

CHEY:       Now first one – Skype. It’s free. Love it. Used Skype on the iPad last night, sitting in front of the TV. Called the team, had a chat. Simple. Done. Didn’t need to be in the office. Love it. If you haven’t used it from your iPad, go ahead.

CRAIG:      Were you video-ing, or just?

CHEY:       No. No, we weren’t video-ing. Netflix. Ok? If you’re not using it, you should be. It’s really good for watching new releases, your favorite shows and you can take it with you. You know, like I’ve got Foxtail Go which is, you know, so I can take my Foxtail shows with me as well, but often I get stuck in traffic or somewhere and I literally just put it on. It is really good. So I do like Netflix.

CRAIG:      Not that we’re encouraging you to watch TV while you are in traffic.

CHEY:       Well when you are sitting in Melbourne traffic, seriously you can sit there for so long that you may as well entertain yourself. And there’s only so many phone calls you can make really, when you are going up the highway from Geelong.

CRAIG:      Have you – do you watch the Game of Thrones?

CHEY:       Yes. Absolutely.

CRAIG:      Why?

CHEY:       I love it.

CRAIG:      Really?

CHEY:       Yes.

CRAIG:      Is that good?

CHEY:       Well I’ve read the books, so to watch it was really good.

CRAIG:      Right.

CHEY:       And I think the last episode that I watched, because I already read it in the book I knew that – I wanted to know how good it was going to be on screen, and loved it.

CRAIG:      Right.

CHEY:       Yes. They did a really good job.

CRAIG:      Ray Arm was talking about – and Alicia were talking about Game of Thrones earlier in the week.

CHEY:       Oh, ok.

CRAIG:      Yes. So …

CHEY:       Yes?

CRAIG:      I’m unsure. I’m a little bit interested now. Maybe I’ll go and have a look.

CHEY:       Well my favorite shows. Like there was Pro Blogger on Twitter a couple of weeks ago. It was last week, it might have been, said he was going away. What should he, you know, watch on the plane. And I said Breaking Bad. Love Breaking Bad, and you know how you just remember dates. Well on 11th August the last series comes out and that’s my birthday, so I am so looking forward to my birthday so that I can watch the last part of Breaking Bad.

CRAIG:      Right.

CHEY:       Love the show. The other one is Madmen. Absolutely love Madmen. What else is there that I like?

CRAIG:      Am I behind the times or something? What’s going on here? I’m talking about Big Bang Theory.

CHEY:       Oh, Big Bang Theory. Absolutely. Like yes. Totally. But these other shows, like I just like Game of Thrones. But Breaking Bad – and I was a huge West Wing fan. So the West Wing, and Game of Cards is a new one and it’s the same writers from the West Wing. So I do like that one too. Ok? So this is how I just (you know) zone out from work world.

CRAIG:      Right.

CHEY:       And tap into a different world.

CRAIG:      Just switch off.

CHEY:       Yes. Ok. Back to iPad Apps. Ok?

CRAIG:      Go.

CHEY:       Next one is Feedly. Ok? We talked about Bedly a couple of weeks ago, and it’s really easy to use. You can share content from everywhere around the web. It’s really fast loading. That’s what I like about it. Simple. Easy. Just love it. Ok?

CRAIG:      So this is where you are bringing in all your RSS feeds and that sort of stuff, yes?

CHEY:       Yes.

CRAIG:      Ok.

CHEY:       Now the other one is an App called Pocket. Ok? And it lets you save all web content that you want to read later. So – and you can read it offline as well. So it’s really handy where there’s no WiFi or, you know, that sort of thing. So I really like Pocket.

CRAIG:      Like that.

CHEY:       The next one is the Ted App, and it lets you have a look at, you know, I think there’s like over 1,000 different Ted Talks from around the world, and that sort of stuff. Really like Ted. So I like that one. Another one – Evernote. We’ve spoken about Evernote pretty much …

CRAIG:      Lots.

CHEY:       Lots and lots and lots over our last 33 shows.

CRAIG:      Yes.

CHEY:       Can you believe it? 33?

CRAIG:      Wow.

CHEY:       I know. They haven’t kicked us off yet. Obviously another free one is Ebay. Love Ebay. Another one is –

CRAIG:      [laughs]

CHEY:       What?

CRAIG:      What do you buy on Ebay?

CHEY:       Oh, no. I sell on Ebay.

CRAIG:      Oh, you sell on Ebay.

CHEY:       Yes. Yes. Absolutely.

CRAIG:      Good.

CHEY:       Another Flipboard. You know Flipboard – really, really, really Flipbird – Flipboard. Flipbird.

CRAIG:      Flipbird.

CHEY:       There you go! Just Flipped you with it.

CRAIG:      You really want to give me that, do you?

CHEY:       Yes!

CRAIG:      Do it right now!

CHEY:       There you go.

CRAIG:      Fine. It’s like that!

CHEY:       [laughs]. Ok. Now the Kindle iPad App. If you haven’t got it, get it. So you don’t actually need to buy an Amazon Kindle device in order to read Kindle books. And this is where people ask me ‘should I get an iPad or should I get a Kindle’, or whatever. Well the Kindle iPad App – it lets you access millions of different Kindles. So really you don’t need to buy a Kindle as well. I have a very, very old Kindle that – I think it might have been the second edition or something like that. I bought it in the States, and I could literally only update it when I went to the States. And luckily, I was there like at least, you know, 2 or 3 times a month which meant I could upload everything until it came out to Australia. You know, down under we get it last sort of stuff.

CRAIG:      Sounds like a few years ago.

CHEY:       Yes. Now another one …

CRAIG:      Showing your age now!

CHEY:       Oh, yes. Showing my age. Absolutely.

CRAIG:      I’m going to start having a go at you know because you stick your finger up at me!

CHEY:       Oh. It was game. No way. I wouldn’t stick my finger up at you! Come on! Ok. Next one – 3D Google Earth. Ok? So Google Earth iPad App. Love it. You can have a look in 3D sort of stuff. I like that. Another one is Pandora obviously. Right?

CRAIG:      Love it.

CHEY:       Yes. Have you got it on your iPad?

CRAIG:      I don’t have an iPad.

CHEY:       I beg your pardon?

CRAIG:      Don’t look at me like that!

CHEY:       You just swore at me!

CRAIG:      Don’t look – I’m not there yet.

CHEY:       Ok.

CRAIG:      I can’t let go of lappies yet. Love laptops.

CHEY:       Lappies – yes.

CRAIG:      But I’ve got it on my iPhone. I’ve got Pandora.

CHEY:       Yes. Ok. Well I think there’s a Super User, so you can subscribe to it for $3.99 a month. Yes? Have you seen that?

CRAIG:      Pandora?

CHEY:       Yes.

CRAIG:      On Pandora?

CHEY:       Yes. Or maybe it’s just the iPad App.

CRAIG:      Right.

CHEY:       Yes. Ok.

CRAIG:      I’ll take a look.

CHEY:       But, yes. Get your eyes onto that one. Next one – Dropbox. Again, we’ve spoken about Dropbox so many times. I think the last report I did on Dropbox might have been last week’s News Desk. We were talking. Or it might have been the week before that where you can open up a team. When you open up a new folder, and you want your whole team to have access to it, instead of having to add each email address to it, it adds the team members. So if you’ve got a new team member, you allocate them an email address, add it to that box. It means that they get access to everything. You don’t have to stuff around. So yes. Really, really like that.

CRAIG:      Yes.

CHEY:       And then the very, very obvious ones. Your Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Vine, Pinterest. All of those Apps are free. I reckon if you haven’t got half of those, then you probably need to read the list that we’re going to put onto SocialMediaPulse.Com, and get your fingers tapping into the App Store.

CRAIG:      Yes. Great.

CHEY:       Oh, come on!

CRAIG:      There was something I sort of … stop it!

CHEY:       What are you looking for?

CRAIG:      I was – There was something I thought about talking about them.

CHEY:       You lost it! Like – actually have you got your fantails there?

CRAIG:      I’ve got my – um, yes. I’ve got my fantails.

CHEY:       See if we can go 3 for 3. Guys, just so that (you know) anybody listening. As we were walking into the station today, Craig is eating fantails, and asking me the questions on these people. And I never get these questions right. Full Stop. And I’ve got 2 out of 2 so far. So what’s the third one?

CRAIG:      Ok. This one’s a little bit trickier than …

CHEY:       Oh, no.

CRAIG:      The last 2. The last 2 were …

CHEY:       Easy.

CRAIG:      Easy.

CHEY:       Or not for me, but… yes.

CRAIG:      Do you know the funny thing. I was listening to radio earlier this week, and they were doing exactly this. Reading fantail wrappers.

CHEY:       Ok. Well that’s …

CRAIG:      How weak’s that.

CHEY:       It’s a first for us.

CRAIG:      It’s a first for us. Ok. Born in Mississippi in 1954. Graduated from a Tennessee State University with a degree in Speech and Performing Arts. She is a media personality, best known for her self-titled, multi-award winning talk show …

CHEY:       Oprah.

CRAIG:      Yes.

CHEY:       Got it.

CRAIG:      Well done. 3 for 3, Chey!

CHEY:       3 for 3. Doesn’t happen very often for me.

CRAIG:      It doesn’t – no.

CHEY:       And I’m terrible at remembering jokes too. I can’t remember jokes. I’ve got one joke, but I can’t say it on the radio. And I’d – yes – I’d get in trouble.

CRAIG:      There was a girl in our team at the LEX Program earlier in the week – she remembered everyone’s name as we went around the room – 30 people. She just reeled them off.

CHEY:       Well my ex-restaurant …

CHEY:       Hi Renee, if you are listening. I’m impressed. I’m impressed with this skill.

CHEY:       Well for us a lot, back in the day when I was waiting tables and flying around the world, I could remember – I think it was like 40 orders, as in entrees, mains and around a table, or (you know) in business class lounge. Yes.

CRAIG:      Wow! That’s pretty difficult.

CHEY:       Actually talking about business class lounge, we should actually chat about the Geelong Small Business Festival Month that’s happening next month that we’re involved in.

CRAIG:      Yes. Absolutely.

CHEY:       But you look like you’ve got something you’ve remembered you wanted to say.

CRAIG:      Yes. I’ll talk about that in a minute. You can talk about the business center. I’ve got a fantail in my mouth and talking is not the easiest thing at the moment. So you go!

CHEY:       Ok. For listeners out there, you’ve probably – if you are in the Geelong region or the Bellarine Peninsular or the Surf Coast, you’d probably realize that there is a Geelong Small Business Festival happening in the month of August, and it goes from the 1st August to the 31st August. Page One Web Studio – which is my company – will be running an event on 17th August, which is a Saturday, about social media marketing. We’ll also be running one on 24th and that’s also a Saturday, and that’s in relation to podcasting and leveraging content online. And then there’s another one on 31st, which is again the podcasting and leveraging content online. So Craig’s coming in to the – I think we’ve figured you coming in to 2 of them out of the 3, I think, or something like that.

CRAIG:      Yes. It’s been looked at.

CHEY:       And I’ve also got some other people coming in to chat about case scenarios and those sorts of things in the region. But it’s a great Segway, I suppose, into radio show that we’re going to be hosting next month, in the month of August, which is called the Geelong Business Lounge. And so Craig and I, and I think again we’ve got Craig – you are doing probably 50% of them with me, and then not available for some other ones.

CRAIG:      Yes.

CHEY:       So we are going to be interviewing every single host that has a workshop or event being run in Geelong in August. So that is pretty exciting. And that will be run – I think Leo, the Station Manager her at Pulse has said it’s either 10 to 5 or 5 o’clock each day, that there’ll be a 10 minute segment that is talking about the different businesses running different events.

CRAIG:      That’s an exciting time. Is it only for a month?

CHEY:       It is. It’s the Victorian – it’s run State-wide, but Geelong has their own regional (because we are regional), has our own sort of section.

CRAIG:      Yes. Absolutely. Yes. It’s a good time in Geelong. There’s lots of different network events.

CHEY:       Yes.

CRAIG:      Learning events and people putting on breakfasts, dinners, you know. All sorts of stuff.

CHEY:       Breakfasts, dinners. Yes – there’s all sorts of stuff happening.

CRAIG:      Yes. It’s great.

CHEY:       So you can probably check out the – oh, what site is it? The Geelong City Council site. Just type in Geelong City Council and they’ve got something on there at the moment with all of the festival events. I know that people have been buying tickets to my events already on EventBrite. So that’s good to see.

CRAIG:      Great. Yes. Excellent. Ok, we’ve only got a minute to go. There’s something I did want to talk about this week.

CHEY:       You finally remembered.

CRAIG:      I finally remembered. Mailchimp.

CHEY:       Yes.

CRAIG:      They’re coming out this week with a new Mailchimp.

CHEY:       Oh. What are they calling it?

CRAIG:      It’s called New Mailchimp.

CHEY:       Ok.

CRAIG:      There you go! It’s – from looking at it – it looks like the main thing is it’s responsive now.

CHEY:       I reported this a couple of weeks ago.

CRAIG:      Did we?

CHEY:       Yes.

CRAIG:      Ok. Well I’ve just had a look at it. I’m a little bit behind you.

CHEY:       No. That’s all right.

CRAIG:      You and your News Desk.

CHEY:       Well you know it’s not just my News Desk. The team put it together and I’m just lucky enough to read it!

CRAIG:      Yes. So it looks like everyone has to transfer to the New Mailchimp by July 15th.

CHEY:       Oh. That’s only a couple of days away.

CRAIG:      It’s only a couple of days away. Yes. But apparently once you transfer over, it’s – you will never go back.

CHEY:       Ok. Cool.

CRAIG:      There’s lots more functionality and it’s easier to use. So yes. Looking forward to that. We’ve got a – I’ve got a few sites that I’ll move over to the New Mailchimp.

CHEY:       Yes. Looks like we are going to have fun with it.

CRAIG:      All right, Chey? That’s it for us this week. Have a good week.

CHEY:       Good to see you, Craig.

CRAIG:      Yes. See everyone next week!

CHEY:       Bye bye.

[THEME TUNE MUSIC and pause]

End of Transcription: 00:37.09

The post #33 Best Free iPad Apps appeared first on Social Media Pulse.