Smash The Fat

Smash The Fat

132 LCHF 101 with Jess Paige

October 02, 2015

Jessica recently graduated with a degree in Food Science Nutrition from McGill. By day, she's a premed student and volunteer medic and by night, a food blogger over at JessPaigeLCHF.  A few years ago, her and her family decided to go low-carb at the suggestion of her father’s cardiologist. He had been diagnosed with an enlarged heart due to his size and was told he would require a pacemaker within a year if he did not change his lifestyle drastically. He was 53 at the time and had a body fat percentage of 36%. Flash forward to 2015, he has dropped all the excess weight and sits comfortably at 11% body fat. Jess has seen wonderful changes in both her blood work and overall with how she feels.-----Join the discussion on the blog @ Blog - - - want the audio? Subscribe to our podcast @ or to get more FREE workouts, recipes, headlines and interviews with health and fitness experts from around the obtain and maintain a healthy lifestyle by reading Sam's book, Slimology @