ART Smart Parenting

ART Smart Parenting

Absolutely Incredible Kid Day

March 15, 2014

When’s the last time to told your kids they were incredible? 

Have you ever thought about writing them a letter to let them know how you feel. Well nows your chance. Next Thursday, March 20th is Absolutely Incredible Kid Day.

The day honors our nation’s youth by asking adults to write letters of encouragement and inspiration to the incredible kids in their lives. It is a simple, meaningful way to let youth know how much they are appreciated. Lives are changed by this act of love and kindness.

Every child deserves the chance to feel special – when is the last time you told them that? The day was created by Campfire USA as a day to show kids they are loved and cared for. It is held annually on the third Thursday in March.

Created by Camp Fire USA in 1997 and is a call to action which encourages adults to participate in the national letter writing campaign where kids recieve letter of support, love and encouragementâ€

What is our goal for Absolutely Incredible Kid Day®?

For EVERY child to receive a letter. Can you imagine the impact of loving letters in lunch boxes, on pillows or tucked in backpacks!

What is so special about a letter?

A letter is personal, tangible and something a person can hold onto for years to come. Through written words, people can express emotions they may hold back in conversation. and during the often challenging times of adolescence, children maybe more open to reading a letter than having a talk that may “embarass” them.

Children need positive reinforcement in their lives. The right words of encouragement can come at just the time a child needs them most — helping the child make better decisions, build self-esteem, and even be more compassionate and successful.

Letter-Writing Tips…

Research shows that writing a letter is a powerful way to make a difference in the life of a child. To make writing Absolutely Incredible Kid Day® letters easier, follow these tips:

1. Set aside 10 to 20 minutes in a place where you will be undisturbed.

2. Take a moment and think about all the things you enjoy and appreciate about your child.

3. Start with a list of adjectives that describe the child: funny, honest, smart, skillful, helpful, caring, kind

4. Don’t be vague. Be direct and descriptive to let you kids know how you feel. Humor can be a useful technique. Here are some starters: Try “Do you know what I like about you? I like it when you …â€

5. Jog your memory. Think about fun or special times you’ve shared with your child and share why you enjoyed it and it was so special.

6. No need to write a lengthly letter. A brief letter that can be cherished is better than no letter at all.

7. Write it by hand and embellish using your art smart skills

8. If paper and pen isn’t your style, why not send an encouraging email or video?

9. Set aside time to make your letter writing a habit. Kids are eager to please and if they know what you like best about them, they’ll continue to behavior.

10. You’ve got it, finish listening to this podcast, share it with a friend, and write your letter today!

Still Stuck?

Here are Sample Sentences To Get You Started…

• You always make me smile.

• You are very special in your unique way…

• I know that growing up today is sometimes really hard…

• Did you know that the world is a better place just because you’re you?

• This letter is my way of letting you know that you are special and that someone is thinking about you.

• When I was your age, sometimes I felt lonely and overwhelmed. Everyone does from time to time. I like to look ahead to good things, like making new friends, spending time with old friends or listening to music.

• I hope you discover what your own talents are and share them with the world.

• When I think about you, I think of…

• Spending time with you makes me so happy! I really enjoy when we…

• Has anyone ever told you that you can do anything you truly believe in? You can!

• You can accomplish anything if you set your mind to it. The trick is believing in yourself enough to try…

After you’ve written your letters, be sure to share them here along with any letter writing tips.

No go out, celebrate how awesomely incredible your kids are and write a letter today!

For sample letters


Learn more about Absolutely Incredible Kid Day.

Medal of Honor (crayola)

The post Absolutely Incredible Kid Day appeared first on ART Smart Parenting.